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  1. BigBoss: PlayStation Camera v2, PS VR USB Descriptor and Software

    Following his PS4 Auxiliary Ports and PS4Eyecam / PS4 Camera Firmware Kernel Analysis, PlayStation 4 developer BigBoss recently acquired Sony's new PlayStation Camera version 2 that supports PS VR and shared details on compatibility, open-source PlayStation VR Software and the PlayStation VR USB...
  2. PS4 Root Privilege Escalation & Prison Break / Sandbox Break PoC

    Yesterday we reported news of PS4 Dlclose Root Privilege Escalation, and today PlayStation 4 developer BigBoss returns bringing a PS4 proof-of-concept with LibPS4 / PS4Link / PS4SH Dlclose root privilege escalation and prison break plus sandbox break! :D From GitHub: [PS4][INFO]...
  3. PS4 Auxiliary Ports for PlayStation 4 Camera Revealed by BigBoss

    Following his PS4 Camera PC Driver and PS4 Dual Eye Camera work, PlayStation 4 developer bigboss revealed the PS4 Auxiliary Ports for the PlayStation 4 Camera today. Check out the pic via embedded Tweet below! :) For those interested, their work-in-progress Github link is located here...
  4. PS4Link Loader with PS4SH ELF Loader Session Updates by Hitodama

    Following the recent PS4Dev GIT updates, today bigboss has integrated the PS4Link Loader with PS4SH ELF Loader Session updates by hitodama with details below. Download: / GIT / PSX Dev GIT ps4loadingelfsession.txt First load custom ps4link in ps4...