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  1. PS3 ControlConsole API (CCAPI) v2.70 Rev 5 by Enstone (4.81 CEX)

    Following his last update, today PlayStation 3 developer @Enstone (FMT_Enstone) updated to PS3 ControlConsole API (CCAPI) v2.70 Rev 5 supporting 4.81 CEX CFW. Download: CcApi_package_2.70_Rev5.rar (7.9 MB) / CcApi_package_2.70_Rev5_dev.rar (9.5 MB) To quote from his Blog on the release: CCAPI...
  2. PS3 ControlConsole API (CCAPI) v2.70 Rev 4 by Enstone

    Following his previous updates, PlayStation 3 developer Enstone is back with PS3 ControlConsole API (CCAPI) v2.70 Rev 4 adding support for 4.80 DEX consoles. Download: CcApi_package_2.70_Rev4.rar (7.91 MB) / CcApi_package_2.70_Rev4_dev.rar (9.50 MB) To quote: CCAPI is a software that...