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  1. Remote PKG Installer Update by PS4 Scene Developer Flat_z

    Proceeding his initial PS4 Remote Package Installer release, PlayStation 4 developer @flatz returns bringing an update to his Remote PKG Installer with the changes detailed below. :notworthyxf2: Download: remote_pkg_installer.pkg (4.1 MB) / remote_pkg_installer.pkg (Mirror) / RPI
  2. PS4 Remote Package (PKG) Installer & Instructions by Flat_z

    It appears Halloween treats are coming early this year to the PlayStation 4 scene, as following his FSELF Loader via Server developer @flatz passed along on Twitter some Instructions for a PS4 Remote Package (PKG) Installer meaning there's no need to use a USB / External HDD any longer...
  3. kizabg

    PS4 Payload / fSELF Loader via Server & Stub Library Maker by Flatz

    Proceeding his recent PS4 Debug Trophies ShellCore Patch, PlayStation 4 developer @flatz (Twitter) made available both an (f)SELF loader via server fPKG application and a PS4 Stub Library Maker (using OrbisLibGen generate stub files) on Github alongside a Windows compiled PKG version below by...
  4. PS4 Debug Trophies on Retail by Flatz, GH Clone Demo by SpecterDev

    Following the previous ShellCore Patches, his External PS4 HDD Patch and Custom PS4 Syscall, today PlayStation developer @flatz shared a ShellCore patch via Twitter to enable Debug Trophies on Retail PS4 consoles... while scene developer @SpecterDev sent across Twitter a GH Clone PS4 Test "Witch...
  5. PS4 Aux Hax: Hacking Aeolia, Syscon and DS4 by Fail0verflow!

    It's been awhile since we last heard from Fail0verflow on PS4 Crashdumps and Kernel Dumping, but today they've made available a new trio of PlayStation 4 hacking documentation dubbed PS4 Aux Hax covering hacking the Aeolia (Southbridge), Syscon (System Controller) and DS4 (DualShock 4...
  6. PS4 PKG Install from Internal HDD via FTP & BGFT Method by Flatz

    PlayStation 4 scene developer @flatz is on fire lately, following his recent External HDD PS4 Patch, sys_dynlib_dlsym_ex.c and of course his famous Method to Handle PS4 Fake PKGs & SELF / FSELF Write-up today he shared a PS4 PKG installation guide from internal HDD via FTP with a bonus BGFT...
  7. PS4 Custom Syscall for Extended Symbol Resolving by Flatz

    Since releasing his PS4 Shellcore Patch for external hard drives, PlayStation 4 developer @flatz shared more goodies with devs on Twitter including a sys_dynlib_dlsym_ex.c which is a custom syscall for extended PS4 symbol resolving. :ninja: It utilizes PS4's extended dlsym() allowing the...
  8. Custom / Repacked PS4 Package (PKG) Files on Retail v4.55 by Flat_z!

    Today PlayStation 4 developer @flatz shared a demonstration video and interview with Imaginary Monster of the Russian PlayStation Hack community showcasing custom / repacked PS4 Package (PKG) files on a retail v4.55 console running The Last Guardian via kernel exploit! :notworthy: To quote from...
  9. Sony Removes Qwertyoruiopz Primitive, Decrypted sl-config.xml.env

    Yesterday Sony released PS4 Firmware 4.70, and today PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiopz confirmed that Sony removed the primitive used to exploit his bug with bombob explaining this means Sony patched the way to access the bug, but the exploit is still present so those on OFW 4.55 continue to...
  10. Installing PS4 PKG Files Using a Function vs Debug Settings

    PlayStation 4 developer flat_z has been researching RAPs and RIFs for years with one of the more recent PS3 RIF to RAP / RAP to RIF converters being RifConv GUI, and today he hinted at how to install PS4 PKG Files (Tutorial) with the function itself rather than through the PS4 Debug Settings...