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  1. PS4 Act.dat and PlayStation 4 RIF File Research Findings by IDC

    Yesterday we saw his 1.76 PS4 Entrypoint, and today PlayStation 4 developer IDC returns with some PS4 Act.dat and PS4 RIF research documentation stating he will likely add the required code used to restore an act.dat backup to his Github soon as well. :tree::geek: This news comes following the...
  2. PS4 Entrypoint 1.76 Payload Executing for Firmware 1.76 by IDC

    Following the rewrite of his PS4 PUP Unpacker and his recent PS4LibDoc updates, today PlayStation 4 developer IDC (aka 3226:2143‏) shared his version of the PS4 Playground he calls PS4 Entrypoint 1.76 which supports payload executing for Firmware 1.76 with details below. :ninja: Download...
  3. PS4LibDoc: PlayStation 4 Library Documentation Updates by IDC

    Since his PS4 PUP_Decrypt / PUP_Unpack updates, the Platform-Independent Rewrite and recent PS4 Syscalls revisions this weekend PlayStation 4 developer IDC also updated the PS4LibDoc PS4 library documentation adding more 1.76, 3.50 and 3.55 names for scene devs. :geek: Download: known_names.txt...
  4. PS4 PUP Unpacker via IDC Platform-Independent Rewrite by Zer0xFF

    Early this year we reported on some PS4 PUP Decrypt / Unpack Updates by IDC (Twitter), and today PlayStation 4 developer Zer0xFF announced he's done a platform-independent C++ rewrite of the PS4 PUP Unpacker supporting OSX / Linux / Win32 and potentially the PS4 console itself in time! :ninja...
  5. LightningMods

    PS4 PUP_Decrypt & PUP_Unpack: Decrypt / Unpack PS4 Updates by IDC

    We've seen PS4 UserModules Decryption, PS4 Game PKG Decryption and a PS4 Trophies Resigning Tutorial and now PlayStation 4 developer IDC (reminiscent of IDC scripts used to automate IDA's Interactive Disassembler) made available PUP_Decrypt and PUP_Unpack homebrew utilities to decrypt and unpack...