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  1. Ferrox 4.87 PS3 CFW Featuring Cobra 8.20 by Alexander is Released

    Proceeding the 4.87 PS3 OFW Update and their previous revision, over the holidays PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.87 v1.00 Cobra 8.20 adding support for PS3 Firmware 4.87 with the changes detailed below for those in the PS3 Scene that still own a...
  2. Ferrox 4.86 PS3 CFW Featuring Cobra 8.20 by Alexander is Released

    Following their previous revision and the 4.86 Rebug PS3 CFW update, PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss recently released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.86 v1.00 Cobra 8.20 adding support for PS3 Firmware 4.86 with the changes outlined below for those who still own a PS3 video game...
  3. Ferrox 4.85 PS3 CFW Featuring Cobra 8.20 by Alexander is Released

    Proceeding their previous revision and the recent 4.85 Rebug PS3 CFW release, this weekend PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.85 v1.00 Cobra 8.20 adding support for PS3 Firmware 4.85 with the changes outlined below. :) Download...
  4. Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.84 v1.00 Cobra 7.55 by Alexander

    Earlier today we saw the latest 4.84 Rebug PS3 CFW update, and following his last revision PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss recently released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.84 v1.00 Cobra 7.55 which also adds support for PS3 Firmware 4.84 with the changes outlined below. :coolxf2...
  5. Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.83 v1.00 Cobra 7.55 by Alexander

    Following their last revision, today PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.83 v1.00 Cobra 7.55 which adds support for PS3 Firmware 4.83 with the changes outlined below. :lovexf2: Download: CEXFERROXCOBRA483_100.pup (198.1 MB) PUP MD5...
  6. Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.82 Standard v1.01 by Alexander

    Last month they released both Ferrox PS3 CFW 4.82 Standard v1.0 followed by Ferrox PS3 CFW 4.82 v1.00 Cobra 7.53, and today PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss returns with Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.82 Standard v1.01 and the changes below! :D Download: FERROX482_101.PUP (195.4 MB) PUP MD5...
  7. Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.82 v1.00 Cobra 7.53 by Alexander

    Proceeding yesterday's Ferrox PS3 CFW 4.82 Standard v1.0 release, PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss returns today bringing Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.82 v1.00 Cobra 7.53 with a NoBD release incoming as well for CFW users with broken or missing Blu-ray drives! :lovexf2: Download...
  8. Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware 4.81 COBRA 7.5 v1.02 by Alexander

    Following their Standard and Cobra updates along with the other PS3 4.81 Custom Firmware including Rebug 4.81.2 Cobra 7.50 PS3 CFW, today PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss returns with Ferrox PS3 CFW 4.81 COBRA 7.5 v1.02 Custom Firmware! :biggrinxf2: Download: CEXFERROX481COBRA750_102.PUP...