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  1. HENkaku Installs VitaShell 0.7 Now, Offline Installer from XYZZ

    Following HENkaku Offline Hosting, today Team Molecule announced that HENkaku now installs VitaShell 0.7 and that a PlayStation Vita HENkaku offline installer is also available from PS Vita developer XYZZ. Download: offlineInstaller.vpk / Source code (zip) / Source code (tar.gz) / Latest...
  2. Official HENkaku PS Vita Jailbreak Exploit Site Now at

    Today PlayStation Vita hacker Yifan Lu tweeted that the original Henkaku domain has been taken down and redirects to their new home located at to continue the PS Vita 3.60 jailbreak exploit love! :love: Also similar to the VPK Files Archive from haxxeyHD...