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  1. Playerkp420 4.81 CFW Cobra 7.3 PS3 Custom Firmware is Released

    Shortly after his Dual-Boot and Standard updates, PlayStation 3 developer playerkp420 released Playerkp420 4.81 CFW Cobra 7.3 PS3 Custom Firmware with details below. Download: Playerkp420_4.81_Cobra.rar (196.54 MB) MD5 Hash: 0C83615D5B739F4CB7E764DBFB135232 To quote from @playerkp420: [COBRA...
  2. Steps to downgrade PS3 Phat help

    Can some one please tell my what steps I need to Jailbreak my PS3? I have an E3 Flasher but I am a NOOB and I don't understand a lot of the terminology and acronyms used in the guide threads. I am comfortable doing the work I just need some guidance on what files I need and what order I need to...
  3. Playerkp420 Dual Boot OFW 4.80 for PSN on PlayStation 3

    Today PlayStation 3 developer playerkp420 made available his Dual Boot OFW 4.80 for accessing PSN a bit safer on modified PlayStation 3 consoles. Download: Playerkp420_DB_4.80_PS3UPDAT.PUP (196.59 MB) MD5 Hash: BA5F6B0BEE23BBDB9F472AFEFF867339 Here's what he had to say about the release, to...