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  1. batman

    Fursan al-Aqsa: Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque PS3 PKG by Nidal Nijm Games

    Hello! Finally here is the PC, PS3 PKG and Xbox 360 new updated demo of my game, after years of hard work documented in part for those following all my progress updates on Facebook and Twitter! Fursan al-Aqsa Announcement Trailer - All the Power to the People of Palestine Watch the video...
  2. Ferrox 4.86 PS3 CFW Featuring Cobra 8.20 by Alexander is Released

    Following their previous revision and the 4.86 Rebug PS3 CFW update, PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss recently released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.86 v1.00 Cobra 8.20 adding support for PS3 Firmware 4.86 with the changes outlined below for those who still own a PS3 video game...
  3. PS3 System Software 4.86 Update Live, Don't Update Your Firmware!

    Proceeding their previous PS3 OFW revision and recent PS3 Partial Message Service Ending announcement, today Sony pushed live a new PS3 Firmware / System Software 4.86 Update for those who still own a PlayStation 3 entertainment system video game console. 😷 :alert: As always, it's NEVER a wise...
  4. Sony Announces End of PlayStation 3 (PS3) Partial Message Service

    Proceeding their PS3 End of Production a few years back, Sony of Japan announced the end of PlayStation 3's partial message service as of June 30, 2020. ☠️ This means message functions between PlayStation 3 (PS3) and other platforms including PlayStation 4 (PS4), PlayStation Messages App, My...
  5. Ferrox 4.85 PS3 CFW Featuring Cobra 8.20 by Alexander is Released

    Proceeding their previous revision and the recent 4.85 Rebug PS3 CFW release, this weekend PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss released Ferrox PS3 Custom Firmware (CFW) 4.85 v1.00 Cobra 8.20 adding support for PS3 Firmware 4.85 with the changes outlined below. :) Download...
  6. PS3 System Software 4.85 Update Live, Don't Update Your Firmware!

    Just a day after the 3.72 PS Vita Firmware update and following their previous revision, today Sony pushed live a new PS3 Firmware / System Software 4.85 Update and although their PlayStation Site hasn't been updated with it yet chances are the changelog includes more of the usual 'improves the...
  7. PlayStation 3 Projects Source Code for PS3 Developers by MrNiato

    Hello all, modding on PS3 is almost over so I've decided to release the source code of a lots of my project on PS3. Here 12 sources code for you, it contains a lot of Call of Duty games. Some are below, and the others are on my Github Repository: Download: MrNiato's Repositories Name: BO3...
  8. PlayStation Store Critics Choice Sale: PSN Game & Movie Discounts

    With the Oscars this weekend, Sony's latest PlayStation Store sale offers PSN game and movie discounts on select Critics Choice titles with 60% savings up to 70% savings for PS Plus members. :coolxf2: It runs through Tuesday, February 28 at 8 AM Pacific and here's what is included from the full...
  9. PlayStation Store 10th Anniversary Sale Week #2 PSN Deals & Sales

    A week ago we saw the start of Sony's PlayStation Store 10th Anniversary Sale, and now the second week's deals and PSN sales are officially underway! :D Here they are, straight from Sony Digital Games Business Manager Brian Fujimoto: Games Format Title Sale Price PS Plus Price Original...