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  1. PS4 Secure Asset Management Unit (SAMU) Processor by HydrogenNGU

    Following the previous updates on PlayStation 4's Secure Asset Management Unit more commonly referred to as SAMU, @HydrogenNGU shared details on further understanding the PS4 processor SAMU for developers. :geek: According to a SAMU patent, it's described as a method and apparatus for including...
  2. SAMU on PS4 Reportedly Decrypted by PlayStation 4 Devs, Old News?

    Previously @SpecterDev shared a bit regarding SAMU on PS4, followed by some SAMU documentation (which apparently even Sony Employees are seeking :closedeyetongue:) and now Twitter is lighting up with reports that SAMU is decrypted by PlayStation 4 developers while others including @xxmcvapourxx...
  3. PS4 SAMU Encryption Info Spotted in CoreBoot GIT by ZiL0G80, Fimo

    Following his last update, PlayStation 4 developer ZiL0G80 tweeted today alerting other developers that SAMU which handles PS4 encryption is documented a little bit in GnbSmuInitLibV7.c of the coreboot GIT. :extremelyhappy: Recently in the PSXHAX Shoutbox @Fimo noted as well that SAMU is called...