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  1. Rebug CFW 4.78.2 Russian PKG Manager by Lightra1n is Released

    Earlier this week we saw the release of Rebug 4.78.2 PS3 CFW followed by the Rebug Toolbox Source Code, and today PlayStation 3 developer Lightra1n made available a RU PKG Manager for REBUG 4.78.2 for Russian PlayStation 3 Custom Firmware users. Download...
  2. PS3 STARBUCKS 4.78 COBRA 7.30 CFW

    Earlier today I posted this on PS4 News and figured I'd share the news here as well! :) PlayStation 3 developer Habib has updated his CFW to PS3 STARBUCKS 4.78 Cobra 7.30 Custom Firmware with the changes detailed below. Download: HABIB_478_CB730.PS3UPDAT.PUP (195.93 MB) /...
  3. 4.78 FERROX CFW v1.00 (Standard CEX)

    4.78 FERROX CFW v1.00 (Standard CEX): Following the previous updates, PlayStation 3 developer @Alexanderss returns with 4.78 FERROX CFW v1.00 (Standard CEX) which supports PS3 4.78 Firmware with details below. Features: Built on base of OFW 4.78 PSN / SEN Enabled Ability to update any other...