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  1. PS4 IPv6 UAF 6.70-6.72 Kernel Exploit with Patches, Maybe More Stable!

    Since his PS4 Save Mounter Utility release, the PS4 6.20 ROP Execution Method, PS4 Webkit Bad_Hoist Exploit, 7.02 PS4 KEX, PS4 Webkit Exploit 6.72 Port, PS4 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit, Backporting PS4 Instructions, ESP8266 Xploit 6.72 Host and 6.72 PS4 Exploit Menu today ChendoChap shared a PS4 IPv6...
  2. PS4 Backup And Restore (BAR) Keys & Envelope Files Documented

    While many are patiently awaiting further details on the PS4 6.20 Kxploit in development, today PlayStation 4 scene developers @RedEyeX32 via @zecoxao shared Cipher and Hasher PS4 Backup And Restore (BAR) Kernel Keys while 3226:2143 (aka IDC) documented containers referred to as Envelope Files...
  3. PS4HEN v2.1.3 and PS4REN v2.0 PS4 Remote Play Enabler by SiSTR0

    Today PlayStation 4 developer SiSTR0 updated both PS4HEN (forked from @XVortex's PS4 Homebrew ENabler Github repo) and PS4REN (Guide) to PS4HEN v2.1.3 and the PS4 Remote Play Enabler to PS4REN v2.0 proceeding the previous updates for those with a jailbroken PS4 5.05 console as we await further...
  4. PS4 6.20 Build Strings by Fire30, ETA WEN for Kernel Exploit?

    Recently developer Fire30 shared on Twitter some PS4 Firmware 6.20 Build Strings which have been added to the Dev Wiki displaying the current status as 'dumped' leaving many asking the proverbial question of ETA WEN for a public kernel exploit release to complement the PS4 6.XX JSC_ConcatMemcpy...