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  1. PS4 Name 2 NID Plugin for IDA 7.0-7.2 Released by SocraticBliss

    While awaiting further development of his PS4 Module Dumper payload to dump all of the PlayStation 4 modules and proceeding his PS4 Module Loader, @SocraticBliss recently released via Twitter a PS4 Name 2 NID Plugin (ps4_name2nid_plugin) for use with the Interactive Disassembler IDA 7.0-7.2 by...
  2. PS4 Module Loader for IDA Userland Modules by SocraticBliss

    Tested on IDA 7.0-7.2 and geared towards PS4 scene devs who haven't jumped to GhidraPS4Loader / GhidraOrbisTools yet, today PlayStation 4 developer @SocraticBliss made available on Twitter a PS4 Module Loader for Userland Modules following his recent PS4 Kernel Loader updates. :love: Download...
  3. PS4 NID to Function Name Resolver for Bin / Lib by Zer0xFF

    Following the initial PS4 NIDs, additional PlayStation 4 NIDs, his recent PS4 PUP Unpacker Rewrite and the PS4LibDoc updates today PlayStation 4 developer Zer0xFF released PS4 NID to Function Name Resolver source code for use in IDA Pro 7.0 resolving Bin / Lib Function Names by developers...
  4. More PlayStation 4 NIDs Documented for PS4 Devs by ZiL0G80 (Z80)

    Since the NID for sceAppInstUtilAppInstallPkg was revealed followed by some PS4 NIDs added to Hashcat, PlayStation 4 developer ZiL0G80 (aka Z80 or @oneman123) documented several more PS4 NIDs useful for developers in creating PS4 RTE's using libmdbg_syscore. :ninjaxf2: Those interested in...
  5. PS4 NIDs and PS3 NIDs Added to Hashcat Bruteforcer by Jarveson

    Following the PS3 FNIDS Python Scripts by PlayStation developer @zecoxao, today he let us know on Twitter that jarveson added PS4 NIDs and PS3 NIDs to his Hashcat bruteforcer password recovery utility. :winkxf2: Download: Hashcat v3.40 / PS4 NIDs / PS3 NIDs Intended for developers, the NIDs...
  6. PS4Link Gets Peek & Poke Added, VitaDump Supports Kernel Dumping!

    Over the weekend we covered some PS4Link news, and today PlayStation developer @zecoxao announced on Twitter that Peek and Poke support is now added to the PS4Link GIT alongside PS Vita kernel dumping to St4rk's VitaDump GIT with details below! <3 Download: PS4Link VirtualMemQuery Sample via...