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  1. PSVCD: PlayStation Vita Cartridge Dump, PS Vita RegistryEditor

    Following VitaDump, that has recently been updated on GitHub, comes PSVCD which is a PlayStation Vita Cartridge Dump project by PS Vita developer Motoharu-Gosuto alongside a PS Vita RegistryEditor by some1psv and ipl_decrypt for decrypting pre-3.5X IPLs from zecoxao. Download:
  2. PS VitaDump, VitaToolchain & PKG Installer 2.0 Tutorial by Silica

    While we're still adding new VPK files to the VPK Mirror list and VPK Showcase, today PlayStation Vita developer Silica (YouTube Channel) made available PKG Installer 2.0 alongside a video tutorial for installing Package files and activating the Debug Utility on PS Vita. :D Meanwhile PSVita...