As part of the OpenOrbis Project initiative to provide 100% free and open source development libraries / tools and following the script earlier this week, PlayStation 4 scene developer @KIWIDOGGIE (diwidog on Twitter) of updated his KiwiDoggie Productions Github repository with a DecryptedKernelLabelSyscalls Python Script ( that creates the necessary structures and labels all syscalls from a full PS4 kernel dump.
Download: / (Labels syscalls in kernel dumps/decrypted) / / GIT
From on Github:
Cheers to @HydrogenNGU for the heads-up on Twitter earlier today!
Download: / (Labels syscalls in kernel dumps/decrypted) / / GIT
From on Github:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script will create the needed structures, and label all syscalls from a FULL kernel dump
# OpenOrbis Project providing 100% free and open source development
# **** the pirates
# Created by: kiwidog (
# Started on: Febuary 14, 2019
def find_syscalls():
Automatically finds and labels all of the syscalls in a kernel dump
:return: Nothing
# Get the sysent_t structure
sysent_id = idaapi.get_struc_id("sysent_t")
if sysent_id == idaapi.BADNODE:
write_log("could not get the sysent_t structure.")
# Find the magic
magic_offset = idaapi.find_binary(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA(), "4F 52 42 49 53 20 6B 65 72 6E 65 6C 20 53 45 4C 46", 16, idc.SEARCH_DOWN)
if magic_offset == idaapi.BADADDR:
write_log("Could not find 'ORBIS kernel SELF' magic - sysent not found")
magic_offset = idaapi.get_imagebase() + magic_offset
# Find the reference to the magic
search_pattern = "%02X %02X %02X %02X FF FF FF FF" % (magic_offset & 0xFF , ((magic_offset >> 0x8) & 0xFF) , ((magic_offset >> 0x10) & 0xFF) , ((magic_offset >> 0x18) & 0xFF))
print("magic_offset: %x" % magic_offset)
print("search_pattern: %s" % search_pattern)
ref = idaapi.find_binary(idc.MinEA(), idc.MaxEA(), search_pattern, 16, idc.SEARCH_DOWN)
if not ref:
write_log("could not find reference for orbis kernel self.")
if ref == BADADDR:
write_log("could not find ref")
# Save all of the information
sysvec = ref - 0x60
print("sysvec: %x" % sysvec)
result = idaapi.set_name(sysvec, "self_orbis_sysvec", idaapi.SN_NOCHECK)
if not result:
write_log("could not label self_orbis_sysvec.")
# Get the number of syscalls
syscall_count = idaapi.get_qword(sysvec)
sysent_offset = idaapi.get_qword(sysvec + 0x8)
result = idaapi.set_name(sysent_offset, "sysent")
if not result:
write_log("could not label sysent.")
# Get the list of syscall names
syscall_names = find_syscall_names(sysvec, syscall_count)
write_log("Labeling %d syscalls." % syscall_count)
i = 0
while i < syscall_count:
syscall_name = syscall_names[str(i)]
syscall_sysent_offset = sysent_offset + (i * 0x30) # sizeof(sysent_t)
syscall_func = idaapi.get_qword(syscall_sysent_offset + 0x8)
# Attempt to get the current function that is at this address
func = idaapi.get_func(syscall_func)
# If no function exists, create one there
if not func:
# Set the name at the start of the function as a repeatable comment
result = idaapi.set_cmt(syscall_func, syscall_name, True)
if not result:
write_log("could not set comment on syscall func %s." % syscall_name)
# Set the name of the function
result = idaapi.set_name(syscall_func, syscall_name)
if not result:
write_log("could not set the syscall function name %s." % syscall_name)
# This labels the syscall number
result = idaapi.set_cmt(syscall_sysent_offset + 0x4, "#: %d" % i, True)
if not result:
write_log("could not set syscall number comment")
# Creates a sysent_t structure
result = idaapi.create_struct(syscall_sysent_offset, 0x30, sysent_id)
if not result:
write_log("could not create sysent_t structure for syscall %d %s." % (i, syscall_name))
i += 1
write_log("found kernel self")
def install_syscall_structures():
id = idaapi.get_struc_id("sysent_t")
# If this structure is already installed skip it
if id != idaapi.BADNODE:
id = idaapi.add_struc(idaapi.BADADDR, "sysent_t")
if not id:
write_log("could not add structure.")
struct = idaapi.get_struc(id)
if not struct:
write_log("could not get structure.")
op_info = idaapi.opinfo_t()
ri_info = idaapi.refinfo_t()
ri_info.flags = idaapi.REF_OFF64 = idaapi.BADADDR
ri_info.base = 0
ri_info.tdelta = 0
op_info.ri = ri_info
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_narg", 0x0, idaapi.dword_flag(), None, 4)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_narg to sysent_t struct.")
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_call", 0x8, idaapi.qword_flag() | idaapi.off_flag(), op_info, 8)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_call to sysent_t struct.")
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_auevent", 0x10, idaapi.word_flag(), None, 2)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_auevent to sysent_t struct.")
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_systrace_args_func", 0x18, idaapi.qword_flag() | idaapi.off_flag(), op_info, 8)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_systrace_args_func to sysent_t struct.")
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_entry", 0x20, idaapi.dword_flag(), None, 4)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_entry to sysent_t struct.")
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_return", 0x24, idaapi.dword_flag(), None, 4)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_return to sysent_t struct.")
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_flags", 0x28, idaapi.dword_flag(), None, 4)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_flags to sysent_t struct.")
result = idaapi.add_struc_member(struct, "sy_thrcnt", 0x2C, idaapi.dword_flag(), None, 4)
if result:
write_log("Failed adding sy_thrcnt to sysent_t struct.")
def find_syscall_names(sysvec, syscall_count):
# Ensure that we got a valid sysvec
if sysvec == idaapi.BADADDR:
# Hold our syscall names
syscall_names = { }
# Get the syscall names offset
syscall_names_offset = idaapi.get_qword(sysvec + 0xD0)
# Iterate through all of the syscall names and save them
i = 0
while i < syscall_count:
pos = syscall_names_offset + (0x8 * i)
idaapi.op_offset(pos, 0, idaapi.REF_OFF64)
name_offset = idaapi.get_qword(pos)
name_length = idaapi.get_max_strlit_length(name_offset, idaapi.STRTYPE_C)
syscall_name = str(idaapi.get_strlit_contents(name_offset, name_length, idaapi.STRTYPE_C))
if syscall_name.find("#") != -1 or syscall_name.find("obs_{") != -1:
syscall_name = ("nosys_%d" % i)
#print("#define __NR_%s %d" % (syscall_name, i))
syscall_names[str(i)] = syscall_name
i += 1
return syscall_names
def write_log(message):
idaapi.msg("[OpenOrbis] %s\n" % message)
if __name__ == "__main__":