Hot on the heels of yesterday's PS4 Fake 4.05 updates, today PlayStation 4 developer @cfwprophet shared on Twitter a Fake PKG Generator for PS4 with documentation to generate fake packages which will support homebrew once the ShellCore patches (for fake PKG support) are implemented.
Download: Fake_PKG_Generator.rar (2.85 MB - v2.89) / Fake_PKG_Generator.rar (429.72 MB - Documentation) / (0.2 MB) / (Mirror) / (Mirror #2) / sc.exe_hack.rar (0.28 MB) / Fake PKG Generator 3.12 / Fake PKG Generator 3.12 / Fake PKG Generator (4 MB) / Fake PKG Generator (Mirror) / Fake PKG Generator (Mirror #2 - includes orbis-pub-sfo.exe) / Mirror #3 / PS4_Fake_PKG_Tools_v3.87.rar (3.35 MB) / PS4 Fake PKG Tools with Fake PKG Generator 3.87 Patched for FPKGs by CyB1K
Note: Use '00000000000000000000000000000000' for the PKG Gen password in case others need to ever unpack it, then everyone will know the PKG password.
From Pastebin come some Orbis-pub-prx.dll patches included in Fake PKG Generator:
From Pastebin:
Download: libSceFios2.prx (0.38 MB) / libSceFios2.sprx (0.35 MB)
Download: eboot.bin (16.42 MB) / libc.prx (0.88 MB)
How to build PS4 Fake PKGs
A short and easy example of how to build Fake PKGs for the PS4 to use with your homebrew on a exploited device.
Download: fself.rar (5 KB)
Cheers to @hyndrid, @Konsolenzocker, @raedoob, @seanp2500, @segobi and @SSShowmik in the PSXHAX Shoutbox for the news tips!
Download: Fake_PKG_Generator.rar (2.85 MB - v2.89) / Fake_PKG_Generator.rar (429.72 MB - Documentation) / (0.2 MB) / (Mirror) / (Mirror #2) / sc.exe_hack.rar (0.28 MB) / Fake PKG Generator 3.12 / Fake PKG Generator 3.12 / Fake PKG Generator (4 MB) / Fake PKG Generator (Mirror) / Fake PKG Generator (Mirror #2 - includes orbis-pub-sfo.exe) / Mirror #3 / PS4_Fake_PKG_Tools_v3.87.rar (3.35 MB) / PS4 Fake PKG Tools with Fake PKG Generator 3.87 Patched for FPKGs by CyB1K
Note: Use '00000000000000000000000000000000' for the PKG Gen password in case others need to ever unpack it, then everyone will know the PKG password.
From Pastebin come some Orbis-pub-prx.dll patches included in Fake PKG Generator:
PS4 Fake PKG Generator for Playstation 4 -PATCHES-
Publishing Tools 2.89
Orig file Hash:
SHA1 = F6CBCA3FC36C81D0F91C7895775F9ABB324D7863
This difference file has been created by IDA
Patch self stuff
0000000000057228: 0F 90
0000000000057229: 84 90
000000000005722A: 61 90
000000000005722B: 04 90
000000000005722C: 00 90
000000000005722D: 00 90
000000000005722E: 80 90
000000000005722F: 78 90
0000000000057230: 05 90
0000000000057231: 00 90
0000000000057232: 0F 90
0000000000057233: 84 90
0000000000057234: 57 90
0000000000057235: 04 90
0000000000057236: 00 90
0000000000057237: 00 90
0000000000057247: 0F 90
0000000000057248: 85 90
0000000000057249: 42 90
000000000005724A: 04 90
000000000005724B: 00 90
000000000005724C: 00 90
Patch unexpected elf format
00000000000570D7: 0F 90
00000000000570D8: 85 90
00000000000570D9: 5C 90
00000000000570DA: 05 90
00000000000570DB: 00 90
00000000000570DC: 00 90
0000000000057210: 0F 90
0000000000057211: 85 90
0000000000057212: 23 90
0000000000057213: 04 90
0000000000057214: 00 90
0000000000057215: 00 90
0000000000057278: 0F 90
0000000000057279: 85 90
000000000005727A: BB 90
000000000005727B: 03 90
000000000005727C: 00 90
000000000005727D: 00 90
Patch unexpected TitleId
00000000000570FC: 0F 90
00000000000570FD: 85 90
00000000000570FE: 7F 90
00000000000570FF: 05 90
0000000000057100: 00 90
0000000000057101: 00 90
0000000000057102: 3B 90
0000000000057103: CA 90
0000000000057104: 0F 90
0000000000057105: 85 90
0000000000057106: 77 90
0000000000057107: 05 90
0000000000057108: 00 90
0000000000057109: 00 90
000000000005729B: 0F 90
000000000005729C: 85 90
000000000005729D: E0 90
000000000005729E: 03 90
000000000005729F: 00 90
00000000000572A0: 00 90
00000000000572A1: 3B 90
00000000000572A2: CA 90
00000000000572A3: 0F 90
00000000000572A4: 85 90
00000000000572A5: D8 90
00000000000572A6: 03 90
00000000000572A7: 00 90
00000000000572A8: 00 90
Patch online check (1)
0000000000282548: 68 65
000000000028254A: 74 65
000000000028254C: 74 65
000000000028254E: 70 65
0000000000282550: 3A 65
0000000000282552: 2F 65
0000000000282554: 2F 65
0000000000282556: 70 65
till 0x00 0x00 (but leave them)
Patch online check (2)
000000000027E3AC: 73 65
000000000027E3AD: 64 65
000000000027E3AE: 6B 65
till 0x00 byte (but leave it)
loc_454B16 = loc_10057EF8
Location to patch 1005828F
RIF Location 10139AC6
unexpected format crap => loc_10058239
Download: eboot.bin (16.42 MB) / libc.prx (0.88 MB)
How to build PS4 Fake PKGs
A short and easy example of how to build Fake PKGs for the PS4 to use with your homebrew on a exploited device.
Download: fself.rar (5 KB)
Cheers to @hyndrid, @Konsolenzocker, @raedoob, @seanp2500, @segobi and @SSShowmik in the PSXHAX Shoutbox for the news tips!