Proceeding his P.T. Silent Hills Demo Camera PS4 Hacks and MHW: Iceborne x Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds, PlayStation 4 video game hacker @manfightdragon is back with a Horizon: Zero Dawn camera PS4 hacks demonstration video.
Check it out below, don't forget to subscribe to his YouTube Channel and follow his progress updates via Twitter and Patreon support page!
In the embedded Tweets he also states he wanted to spend time with the Decima engine due to Death Stranding, but admits he's currently uncertain if his work will be transferable or not.
Check it out below, don't forget to subscribe to his YouTube Channel and follow his progress updates via Twitter and Patreon support page!
In the embedded Tweets he also states he wanted to spend time with the Decima engine due to Death Stranding, but admits he's currently uncertain if his work will be transferable or not.