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Category PS4 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter Thread starter PSXHAX       Date / timeStart date Oct 1, 2017 at 8:48 AM       Replies 8      
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As we wait for an updated tutorial from ZeraTron_ on running PlayStation 4 backups as full games not in demo state, the devs at e✘ shared a brief 1.76 game backup demo of their own on their YouTube Channel which can be seen below. :winkxf2:

Also this weekend @0x199 who redesigned the PS4 1.76 Advanced WebKit Playground announced on Twitter that he's updated SCE.Party with everything from PS4 Payloads to Playground ports and will be adding to the PS4 1.76 working Game Backups page soon as well. :lovexf2:

Finally, PlayStation 4 developer SpecterDev laid claim to having a 4.05 Kernel Exploit on Reddit, but as it's not all his work he stated he isn't at liberty to release it although he said he will "offer insight and answer some basic questions about changes in higher firmwares."

Thanks to @raedoob for the heads-up on Twitter early this morning, this cup of Java's for you! :coffeexf2:
PS4 1.76 Game Backup Demo by eXtreme, SCE.Party Updates by 0x199.jpg


Now some will exploit at 4.74, very real, I still half a year ago saying that the method is possible to hack, but it's different than 1.76. On certain channels often talk about it, hacking is not interesting - but to send a normal team managed on the path of enlightenment.
1.76 hardware hack mainly usb-uart bridge

can also dump target system's flash over serial/io

Pegasus Exploit was out in the wild since 2016
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Julien Boibessot <[email protected]            <[email protected]>
Armadeus Project / Armadeus systems
/* We give all of our information in one go, so if the user asks us if
      we have more information the answer should always be no.
      This is important because the standard read function from the
      library would continue to issue the read system call until the
      the kernel replies that it has no more information, or until
      its buffer is filled */
But a lot of love for pega despite its lack of implementation
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