Following their PS4 APP.DB Mods and PS4 UI Mod Alpha 0.16 updates, the PlayStation 4 modders at e✘ recently shared a NOTIFICATION.DB modification to open Settings via a custom notification... and see here for the PS4 4.05 System Notification Types.
To quote from their blog, roughly translated: Custom Notification – Command via Notifications
You can modify the Notifications on 4.05 to call other entries. In this example I will show you how to open the Settings via custom notification.
First you need the notification.db (same directory as app.db). You find the action_uri of each tip which can be modified, so the command to open the Settings is: pssettings:play?mode=settings
Now you can open Settings via a Notification
Maybe we find a way to modify the Capture Gallery to open the Debug Settings with such a custom command.
PS4 4.55 Mod - Custom Notification
Download: Content_Icons.rar
Cheers to @SSShowmik for the heads-up in the PSXHAX Shoutbox earlier today!
To quote from their blog, roughly translated: Custom Notification – Command via Notifications
You can modify the Notifications on 4.05 to call other entries. In this example I will show you how to open the Settings via custom notification.
First you need the notification.db (same directory as app.db). You find the action_uri of each tip which can be modified, so the command to open the Settings is: pssettings:play?mode=settings
Now you can open Settings via a Notification
Maybe we find a way to modify the Capture Gallery to open the Debug Settings with such a custom command.
PS4 4.55 Mod - Custom Notification
Download: Content_Icons.rar
Cheers to @SSShowmik for the heads-up in the PSXHAX Shoutbox earlier today!