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Category PS4 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter Thread starter PSXHAX       Date / timeStart date Jan 9, 2021 at 7:13 PM       Replies 7      
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Following his GTA V Native Caller PS4 1.32 Port and updates, PlayStation 4 Scene developer @2much4u (Twitter) recently updated his PS4 GTA V Native Updater IDA Pro 7.0+ Script on Github adding for use with Ghidra to analyze and update native addresses via ethylamine. :geek:

Download: / / GIT

This comes proceeding both the GhidraPS4Loader and GhidraOrbisTools, and from the to quote: PS4 GTA V Native Updater

An IDA Pro script to update native addresses for new versions. Check out the Ghidra version by ethylamine here!


Rockstar randomizes native hashes every GTA V version. Modding tools need these new hashes to determine what address to call for a given native function. This IDA script will generate natives.h for any new version of GTA V to be used in projects like Native Caller or Menu Base. You can read more about what natives are and why they are useful in the README for Native Caller.


1. Load GTA V EBOOT into IDA Pro (7.0+)

2. Select File -> Script File and select this script

3. Select a crossmap file

A crossmap file is a text file representing a map from a previous GTA V version's native hashes to a new version's native hashes. These can commonly be found online with a quick Google search for any version of GTA V. The file format is expected to be:
4. Select the registerNative function

This is a function used in the game binary to register natives. You will need to find it yourself, but it is fairly easy to find. To find it, byte search with ALT+B in IDA for any of the new hashes in the crossmap file. Any hash will do besides SYSTEM natives. See more info on SYSTEM natives later. After searching for the byte pattern, you should come across a result that looks somewhat like this:
lea     rsi, sub_1065770            # native function
mov     rdi, 97C63D95072367BAh      # hash searched for
call    sub_228BC10                 # registerNative
lea     rdi, loc_1065260
call    nullsub_581
lea     rsi, loc_1065850            # native function
mov     rdi, 0AFEFADC285965BBEh     # native hash
call    sub_228BC10                 # registerNative
lea     rdi, sub_1065270
call    nullsub_581
lea     rsi, sub_1065870            # native function
mov     rdi, 89F38C325D9E03E7h      # native hash
call    sub_228BC10                 # registerNative
In this example, sub_228BC10 is the registerNative function. That is the function you want to select when prompted by this script.

5. Select a natives header file

This is a clean natives.h downloaded from nativedb. You can always find the latest version of this at

6. That's it! The script is done

You should expect an output from IDA that looks somewhat like:
Found 6166 natives in crossmap
Found 6160 natives in EBOOT
Merged 6140 natives in the maps
Failed to find address for 0xae3fee8709b39dcbL
Failed to find address for 0x64e630faf5f60f44L
Failed to find address for 0x7eec2a316c250073L
Failed to find address for 0x80e4a6eddb0be8d9L
Failed to find address for 0xa306f470d1660581L
Failed to find address for 0x966c2bc2a7fe3f30L
Failed to find address for 0x676ed266aadd31e0L
Failed to find address for 0x77faddcbe3499df7L
newHeader.h created
Unable to replace 8 natives
The file newHeader.h can be found in the same directory as your IDA database. The hex value 0XDEADBEEF will put in place for any native this script is unable to find a function address for.

7. (Optional) Fix header for use in Native Caller

For use in my PS4 GTA V Native Caller, you will need to replace
#include "types.h"
#include "nativeCaller.h"
in the newHeader.h output from this script with
#include "invoker.h"
before replacing the file PS4-GTA-V-Native-Caller/gtaPayload/include/natives.h

Notes about SYSTEM natives

Some crossmaps include SYSTEM natives and some do not. These natives do not change hashes across GTA V versions and are registered using a different function than the registerNative noted earlier. This script will automatically find this different registration function and find the SYSTEM natives using a hardcoded list of hashes.
Download: (323 KB)
Download: (165 KB - includes BeefQueefMod-PS4.bin)
PS4 GTA V Native Updater IDA Pro 7.0+ Script & Ghidra Ethylamine Port.jpg


It means new mod menus (new content) using updates 1.32/1.33 (Casino DLC)

The current GTA menus still use outdated content even though its using newer GTA updates.
ok soo i seen there's a Gta v mod menu called BeefQueefMod133 that's available for 7.xx and also 6.72... My question is the update 1.33 is for 7.00.. How am i supposed to update to 1.33 when im on 6.72???

Do i just download it and then Run the .bin (modmenu 1.33)... And i should work?? Also before i update ...does this modmenu have all Dlc in being able to spawn all DLC VEHICLES lowrider ect?
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