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Category PS4 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter Thread starter PSXHAX       Date / timeStart date Jan 18, 2019 at 12:18 AM       Replies 35      
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Following the PSN Avatar Grabber and Custom PSN User Avatar mods, today developer Red-J (Twitter) made available on Github a PS4 Payload Avatar Dumper for 5.05 Firmware for those interested. ;)

Download: Avatar_Dumper.bin (6.5 KB) / / GIT / PS4 5.05 (Avatar Dumper Mirror) via EdiTzZ / PS4 UI Mod Custom PSN User Avatar.rar via @mohammadfadel / PS4 Avatar Dumper and Injector for 4.55 / 5.05 / 6.72 Firmware by Red-J

@Leeful confirmed it working via Twitter, stating the following to quote:

"Worked Perfectly for me on 5.05. It dumped both user avatars that were on my PS4. To test the dumped files I created a new user and copied 1 set of the dumped files to my new user's folder: /system_data/priv/cache/profile/0xXXXXXXXX/ and it all worked as it should."

Also making rounds on Twitter for PlayStation 4 developers: :fire:

PS4 Payload Avatar Dumper for 5.05 Firmware by Red-J.jpg


Oh well earlier than I had hoped but it’s out in the wild now!

Already been added to X-Projects next outing..

@zia that will never happen. Ffs.
@BwE yeah it’s just a payload to dump dds and icon files from the consoles users profile 0xXXXXXXXXX folders.

You can do this via ftp, but it’s also handy to have a USB equivalent.

Red-J and I have been discussing other ideas for dumping things, this is his first 5.05 payload and bit of a POC.
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