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PS4 Jailbreaking       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Feb 21, 2020 at 10:43 AM       19      
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Following the PS4 SysCon Renesas Chip Image and updates by droogie, PS4 Glitch Pinout research via @juansbeck (Twitter) and their PS4 Aux Hax Parts 1-4 today fail0verflow shared with PlayStation 4 scene developers their implementation of Renesas debug protocols for RL78 (and perhaps other architectures) as requested in their blog comments and committed by ps4_enthusiast on the Github repository. 🤓

Download: / GIT / / GIT (Renesas RL78 Processor Module / PS4 Syscon Firmware Loader for Ghidra)
from pyftdi.gpio import GpioController
import serial
import time, struct, binascii, code, os

def delay(amount):
    now = start = time.perf_counter()
    while True:
        now = time.perf_counter()
        if now - start >= amount:

# for C232HM-DDHSL-0 cable
WIRE_ORANGE = 1 << 0
WIRE_YELLOW = 1 << 1
WIRE_GREEN = 1 << 2
WIRE_BROWN = 1 << 3
WIRE_GRAY = 1 << 4
WIRE_PURPLE = 1 << 5
WIRE_WHITE = 1 << 6
WIRE_BLUE = 1 << 7

class Reset:
    def __init__(s, url):
        # init gpio mode with gray (conncted to RESET) and green (TOOL0) as outputs
        s.gpio = GpioController()
        s.gpio.open_from_url(url, direction = WIRE_GRAY | WIRE_GREEN)

    def enter_rom(s):
        s.gpio.set_direction(WIRE_GRAY | WIRE_GREEN)
        # RESET=0, TOOL0=0
        # RESET=1, TOOL0=0
        # RESET=1, TOOL0=1
        s.gpio.write_port(WIRE_GRAY | WIRE_GREEN)
        # stop driving TOOL0 (with this ftdi device - another one takes over)

def read_all(port, size):
    data = b''
    while len(data) < size:
        data += - len(data))
    assert len(data) == size
    return data

def size8(size):
    if size <= 0 or size > 0x100: return None
    if size == 0x100: size = 0
    return size

def pack24(x):
    assert x < (1 << 24)
    return struct.pack('<HB', x & 0xffff, x >> 16)

class ProtoA:
    SOH = 0x01
    STX = 0x02
    ETB = 0x17
    ETX = 0x03

    COM_RESET           = 0x00
    COM_19              = 0x19 # undocumented cmd. sets FSSQ=2
    COM_ERASE           = 0x22
    COM_PROG            = 0x40
    COM_VERIFY          = 0x13
    COM_BLANK_CHECK     = 0x32
    COM_BAUDRATE_SET    = 0x9a
    COM_SILICON_SIG     = 0xc0
    COM_SEC_SET         = 0xa0
    COM_SEC_GET         = 0xa1
    COM_SEC_RLS         = 0xa2
    COM_CHECKSUM        = 0xb0

    ST_COM_NUM_ERR  = 0x04
    ST_PARAM_ERR    = 0x05
    ST_ACK          = 0x06
    ST_SUM_ERR      = 0x07
    ST_VERIFY_ERR   = 0x0f
    ST_PROTECT_ERR  = 0x10
    ST_NACK         = 0x15
    ST_ERASE_ERR    = 0x1a
    ST_BLANK_ERR    = 0x1b
    ST_WRITE_ERR    = 0x1c

    def __init__(s, port):
        s.port = port

    def read_all(s, size):
        return read_all(s.port, size)

    def _checksum(s, data):
        csum = 0
        for d in data:
            csum -= d
            csum &= 0xff
        return csum

    def _checksum16(s, data):
        csum = 0
        for d in data:
            csum -= d
            csum &= 0xffff
        return csum

    def recv_frame(s):
        while != bytes([s.STX]):
        len_b =
        LEN = size8(struct.unpack('B', len_b)[0])
        recv_len = LEN + 2
        data = s.read_all(recv_len)
        #print('recv %s' % (binascii.hexlify(data)))
        if s._checksum(len_b + data[:LEN]) != data[LEN]:
            print('bad checksum')
        if data[LEN+1] != s.ETX:
            print('bad footer')
        return data[:LEN]

    def _send_frame(s, data, is_cmd = True, last_data = True):
        header = s.SOH if is_cmd else s.STX
        trailer = s.ETX if last_data else s.ETB
        LEN = size8(len(data))
        SUM = s._checksum(struct.pack('B', LEN) + data)
        cmd = struct.pack('BB%dBBB' % (len(data)), header, LEN, *data, SUM, trailer)
        #print('send %s' % (binascii.hexlify(cmd)))
        # discard the loopback bytes
        return s.recv_frame()

    def send_frame(s, data, is_cmd = True, last_data = True):
        while True:
            r = s._send_frame(data, is_cmd, last_data)
            if r[0] != s.ST_SUM_ERR:
                return r

    def reset(s):
        return s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_RESET))

    def set_baudrate(s, baudrate, voltage):
        return s.send_frame(struct.pack('BBB', s.COM_BAUDRATE_SET, baudrate, voltage))

    def silicon_sig(s):
        r = s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_SILICON_SIG))
        if r[0] != s.ST_ACK: return None
        return s.recv_frame()

    def security_get(s):
        r = s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_SEC_GET))
        if r[0] != s.ST_ACK: return None
        return s.recv_frame()

    def security_set(s, sec):
        r = s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_SEC_SET))
        if r[0] != s.ST_ACK: return None
        return s.send_frame(sec, False)[0] == s.ST_ACK

    def verify(s, addr, data):
        assert len(data) > 0
        SA = pack24(addr)
        EA = pack24(addr + len(data) - 1)
        r = s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_VERIFY) + SA + EA)
        if r[0] != s.ST_ACK: return False
        for i in range(0, len(data), 0x100):
            last_data = len(data) - i <= 0x100
            r = s.send_frame(data[i:i+0x100], False, last_data)
        return r[0] == s.ST_ACK and r[1] == s.ST_ACK

    def checksum(s, addr, size):
        assert size > 0
        SA = pack24(addr)
        EA = pack24(addr + size - 1)
        r = s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_CHECKSUM) + SA + EA)
        if r[0] != s.ST_ACK: return None
        return struct.unpack('<H', s.recv_frame())[0]

    def blank_check(s, addr, size=0x400):
        assert size > 0
        SA = pack24(addr)
        EA = pack24(addr + size - 1)
        # XXX
        D01 = struct.pack('B', 0)
        r = s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_BLANK_CHECK) + SA + EA + D01)
        if r[0] not in (s.ST_ACK, s.ST_BLANK_ERR):
            return None
        # True means it is blank
        return r[0] == s.ST_ACK

    def invert_boot_cluster(s):
        # XXX can't be set via protoA :'(
        sec = s.security_get()
        sec = bytes([sec[0] ^ 1, *sec[1:]])
        return s.security_set(sec)

    def cmd19(s):
        # this is standalone "internal verify"
        addr = 0
        size = 0x400
        assert (((addr >> 8) & 0xff) & 3) == 0
        assert ((((addr + size - 1) >> 8) & 0xff) & 3) == 3
        SA = pack24(addr)
        EA = pack24(addr + size - 1)
        return s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_19) + SA + EA)

    def erase_block(s, addr):
        return s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_ERASE) + pack24(addr))

    def program(s, addr, data):
        SA = pack24(addr)
        EA = pack24(addr + len(data) - 1)
        r = s.send_frame(struct.pack('B', s.COM_PROG) + SA + EA)
        if r[0] != s.ST_ACK: return False
        for i in range(0, len(data), 0x100):
            last_data = len(data) - i <= 0x100
            r = s.send_frame(data[i:i+0x100], False, last_data)
        if r[0] != s.ST_ACK or r[1] != s.ST_ACK:
            return False
        # iverify status
        return s.recv_frame()

    def write(s, addr, data):
        # erase block = 0x400, everything else can use 0x100
        if addr % 0x400 or len(data) % 0x400:
            return False
        for i in range(0, len(data), 0x400):
            s.erase_block(addr + i)
        # XXX should be able to handle multiple blocks, not sure why it hangs
        #s.program(addr, data)
        for i in range(0, len(data), 0x100):
            s.program(addr + i, data[i:i+0x100])
        return s.verify(addr, data)

class ProtoOCD:
    SYNC = 0x00
    PING = 0x90
    UNLOCK = 0x91
    READ = 0x92
    WRITE = 0x93
    EXEC = 0x94
    EXIT_RETI = 0x95
    EXIT_RAM = 0x97

    PONG = bytes([3, 3])

    ST_UNLOCK_OK = 0xf2
    ST_UNLOCK_SUM = 0xf3
    ST_UNLOCK_NG = 0xf4

    def __init__(s, port):
        s.port = port
    def read_all(s, size):
        return read_all(s.port, size)
    def checksum(s, data):
        csum = 0
        for d in data:
            csum += d
            csum &= 0xff
        csum -= 1
        csum &= 0xff
        return csum
    def send_cmd(s, cmd):
        #print('send %s' % (binascii.hexlify(cmd)))
        # discard the loopback bytes
    def wait_ack(s):
        while s.read_all(1) != bytes([s.SYNC]):
    def sync(s):
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('B', s.SYNC))
    def ping(s):
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('B', s.PING))
        return s.read_all(len(s.PONG)) == s.PONG
        #return s.read_all(len(ping_result)) == ping_result
    def unlock(s, ocd_id, corrupt_sum = False):
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('B', s.UNLOCK))
        status = s.read_all(1)[0]
        # f0: already unlocked
        # f1: need to send
        if status == s.ST_UNLOCK_ALREADY:
            print('already unlocked')
            return True
        if status != s.ST_UNLOCK_LOCKED:
            print('unexpected status')
            return False
        csum = s.checksum(ocd_id)
        if corrupt_sum:
            csum += 1
            csum &= 0xff
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('10BB', *ocd_id, csum))
        status = s.read_all(1)[0]
        # f2: success
        # f3: checksum mismatch
        # f4: checksum matched but ocd_id did not (could trigger flash erase?)
        if status != s.ST_UNLOCK_OK:
            print('unlock failed: %x' % (status))
        return status == s.ST_UNLOCK_OK
    def read(s, offset, size):
        size8_ = size8(size)
        if size8_ is None: return None
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('<BHB', s.READ, offset, size8_))
        return s.read_all(size)
    def write(s, addr, data):
        size = size8(len(data))
        if size is None: return None
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('<BHB%dB' (len(data)), s.WRITE, addr, size, *data))
        return s.read_all(1)[0] == s.WRITE
    def call_f07e0(s):
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('B', s.EXEC))
        return s.read_all(1)[0] == s.EXEC
    def leave(s, to_ram = False):
        cmd = s.EXIT_RAM if to_ram else s.EXIT_RETI
        s.send_cmd(struct.pack('B', cmd))
        return s.read_all(1)[0] == cmd

class RL78:
    MODE_A_1WIRE = b'\x3a'
    MODE_A_2WIRE = b'\x00'
    MODE_OCD = b'\xc5'
    BAUDRATE_INIT = 115200
    BAUDRATE_FAST = 1000000
    def __init__(s, gpio_url, uart_port):
        s.reset_ctl = Reset(gpio_url)
        s.port = serial.Serial(uart_port, baudrate=s.BAUDRATE_INIT, timeout=0, stopbits=2)
        s.a = ProtoA(s.port)
        s.ocd = ProtoOCD(s.port)
        s.mode = None
    def reset(s, mode):
        s.mode = mode
        s.port.baudrate = s.BAUDRATE_INIT
        # we'll see the reset as a null byte. discard it and the init byte
        read_all(s.port, 2)
        # send baudrate cmd (required) & sync
        baudrate = s.BAUDRATE_FAST if s.mode != s.MODE_OCD else s.BAUDRATE_INIT
        rl78_br = {115200: 0, 250000: 1, 500000: 2, 1000000: 3}[baudrate]
        # 21 = 2.1v
        # really just sets internal voltage regulator to output 1.7, 1.8 or 2.1 volts
        # regulator seems to auto-adjust anyways...
        # feeding with 1.7v uses slower mode, 1.8v and 2.1v are same, slightly faster speed
        r = s.a.set_baudrate(rl78_br, 21)
        s.port.baudrate = baudrate
        if r[0] != ProtoA.ST_ACK: return False
        if s.mode != s.MODE_OCD:
            r = s.a.reset()
            if r[0] != ProtoA.ST_ACK: return False
            if not return False
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rl78 = RL78('ftdi://ftdi:232h/0', 'COM5')
    if not rl78.reset(RL78.MODE_A_1WIRE):
        print('failed to init a')
    print('sig', binascii.hexlify(rl78.a.silicon_sig()))
    print('sec', binascii.hexlify(rl78.a.security_get()))
    code.InteractiveConsole(locals = locals()).interact('Entering shell...')
PS4 Renesas RL78 Debug Protocol Implementation by Fail0verflow.jpg


For everyone asking what is this and can it lead to downgrade the answer is no it's not related to any downgrades. This is the debug mode of the PS4 Reneas chip which is a security chip between the blu-ray drive and the PS4.

Using this could lead to an ODE for the PS4 similar to the xk3y for the XBOX360 so you can run ISO off hard drives on an unmodified (retail system software) console. Fingers crossed as that way you won't have to worry about any online bans.

Might even be able to download/install PKG for the game you want off PSN and then somehow just emulate the parts of the blu-ray that make the console detect the disc as a valid license rather than having a full iso since disc based games are still ran off the hard drive in this generation.
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