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Category PS4 CFW and Hacks       Thread starter Thread starter PSXHAX       Date / timeStart date Jan 12, 2020 at 2:55 AM       Replies 1      
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Currently The Elder Scrolls Online bundle by Bethesda Softworks is 60% off on PSN through January 17th at 11:00 am, and this weekend sourander made available on Github a small project for ESO fans that mimics the PC ability timer addons for the PS4 version of the online multiplayer RPG. ⏲⏳

Download: / GIT

From the, to quote: ESO Ability Timer

A small project that works on PS4 version of ESO. It mimics similar ability timer addons available on PC. It keeps track of when you have activated an ability and creates an animated bar based on the time data.

Important The software works only on two skills per character profile.


This project requires that you have ffmpeg installed with Blackmagic ***. The code has been tested with FFmpeg 2.1.0 and Blackmagic Desktop 11.4 (and same version for ***). My setup during dev phase was:
  • PC with Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop
  • Blackmagic Intensity Pro 4K capture card
  • PS4 Pro with Elder Scrolls Online
  • Python 3 with pip

The software's core functionality is to grab a frame from gameplay, crop the ability icons, and check whether the icon is activated or not. This comparison is performed using structural similarity function from Sklearn.

For this comparison to work, you must manually grab a frame when the icons activates. I have provided the icons I am using, but if your build uses completely different skills, you must grab these yourself.
The Elder Scrolls Online PS4 Ability Timer Project by Sourander.png

Assumed that you have a screenshot of the game taken at the moment when the ability icon is in its activated state, you can save the icon by modifying and running a helper script: ./tools/


Check the requirements section for other software.
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt

Before using the script, you must configure the's profiles. Open the file in any text editor and change the values to your liking. The dict SKILLS_BEING_TRACKED should always contain exactly two skills and their duration in seconds. The abilitys location in the ability bar (index) is detected automatically.

When the setup is done, you can launch the software using various parameters. I recommend checking that the ffmpeg pipe is set up correctly by running the software with --nographics parameter. This will pass the grabbed image to OpenCV's imshow function without drawing any graphics or without performing any icon comparisons.
python --nographics
Assuming that the command above worked, you can exit the software by pressing 'Q' button on your keyboard.

To launch the software with a profile that you have set in, type:
python --profile ProfileName

# e.g. python --profile StamDK
By default, the software launches in windowed mode. If you are running a 1920x1080 monitor, you can run it in full screen by adding a parameter --fullscreen.

Note that this does not scale the image. If you are running some other resolution, such as 2560x1440, the image will be in the top-left corner. Change your monitor to 1920x1080.


I will add others skills to the tracker. No new features planned at the moment; this was a fun one weekend project.
The Elder Scrolls Online PS4 Ability Timer Project by Sourander.jpg


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