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Category PS Vita Jailbreaking       Thread starter Thread starter PSXHAX       Date / timeStart date Aug 27, 2016 at 11:25 PM       Replies 6      
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If I had a Vita I'd definitely want to give this a go, but Sony did a pretty good job sinking their own battleship there :D


It's a pleasing and satisfying news for me although I don't have a ps vita. hopefully the same will happen to the ps4. but I want to state something related to custom firmware, I keep seeing some people want cfw, as far as I've read from SpecterDev's article, unlike the ps3, ps4 has a controller unit which checks CoreOS files md5 checksum and uses AES encryption, shortly I feel like the developers will make progress over the webkit vulnerability and homebrew will be available without a custom firmware. this is my prediction. I'm ready to be enlightened by experts :)
hope more games release and playable on external hdd or even usb thumbdrive as memory card for ViTa are sooooo expensive.
hope more games release and playable on external hdd or even usb thumbdrive as memory card for ViTa are sooooo expensive.
Really just need a 16GB or 32GB memory card for Vita....keep the VPK games on your computer's hard drive and FTP as needed.....yea, FTP is slow, but it's free to FTP :)
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