Similar to GeekPwn, the CCC Conference, Zer0Con and Tencent Security Conference hacker Volodymyr Pikhur who previously shared a demo of his PS4 IPL AES + HMAC Key Recovery Project will be giving a PS4 presentation at Recon Brussels 2018 on February 3rd at 16:00.
Here are the details from their conference page, to quote:
By: Volodymyr Pikhur
Scheduled on: February 3 at 16:00
This presentation will talk about how custom Southbridge silicon, responsible for background downloads while main SoC is off, didn’t help to secure PlayStation 4.
It will explain how a chain of exploits combined with hardware attacks will allow code to run in the context of the secure bootloader, extract private keys, and sign a custom kernel.
From the Github page, to quote: REcon 2018
This presentation will talk about how custom Southbridge silicon, responsibe for background downloads while main SoC is off, didn’t help to secure Playstation 4. It will explain how a chain of exploits combined with hardware attacks will allow code to run in the context of the secure bootloader, extract private keys, and sign a custom kernel.
PlayStation 4 Rest Mode DEMO REcon Brussels 2018
Download: ps4-hen-vtx.bin (7.20 KB - HEN with rest mode patches enabled) / ps4hen.bin (7.17 KB - test 2 for rest mode)
Here are the details from their conference page, to quote:
By: Volodymyr Pikhur
Scheduled on: February 3 at 16:00
This presentation will talk about how custom Southbridge silicon, responsible for background downloads while main SoC is off, didn’t help to secure PlayStation 4.
It will explain how a chain of exploits combined with hardware attacks will allow code to run in the context of the secure bootloader, extract private keys, and sign a custom kernel.
From the Github page, to quote: REcon 2018
This presentation will talk about how custom Southbridge silicon, responsibe for background downloads while main SoC is off, didn’t help to secure Playstation 4. It will explain how a chain of exploits combined with hardware attacks will allow code to run in the context of the secure bootloader, extract private keys, and sign a custom kernel.
PlayStation 4 Rest Mode DEMO REcon Brussels 2018
Download: ps4-hen-vtx.bin (7.20 KB - HEN with rest mode patches enabled) / ps4hen.bin (7.17 KB - test 2 for rest mode)