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PS5 Jailbreaking       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Apr 2, 2023 at 7:44 PM       27      
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Proceeding Part 1, as developer @CTurt (Github / YouTube) exits the PlayStation Hacking Scene he updated his blog with Part 2: Attacking the Compiler Process stating on Twitter, "Ultimately I didn't finish the exploit, but hopefully it's still interesting, and maybe we will see a full exploit implementation from someone else in the future." :geek:

This comes following the Mast1c0re USB / Network ELF / Game Loader Updates alongside the recent HackerOne PlayStation Hacktivity by CTurt, with an excerpt from his mast1c0re: Hacking the PS4 / PS5 through the PS2 Emulator - Part 2 - Compiler Attack article summary below: Conclusion

"There's a reasonably good chance that with enough motivation the vulnerabilities described in this post could be exploited to take over the compiler process.

The exploit would allow arbitrary code execution on the latest firmwares of the PS4 and PS5, allowing native homebrew applications to be run off USB storage for example.

Even with the mitigation Sony shipped in response to this research to limit the size of applications that could be run, I still believe it would be possible to to run larger applications albeit with the performance overhead of them being partially emulated or dynamically paged in and out.

With the amount of work required, I don't realistically think we'll see polished demos of Linux or retail PS4 games running, but it's fun to think that there's a good chance that theoretically those things might at least be technically possible."
Finally, he sends thanks out to flatz, balika011, theflow0, chicken(s) and PlayStation. :spsbuttoncolor:

Mast1c0re Hacking PS4 PS5 via PS2 Emulator Part 2 by CTurt.jpg


@nikeymikey i want to have a jailbroken ps as where i live the games are very expensive and every second person has jailbroken their ps4 and is waiting for ps5 jailbreak.

i have just 4 games at this time and i want more so pre downloaded a lot of them... i believe 300 gb on my 1tb hdd so i cannot let that go to waste.
It won't happen probably in a few years. However i have 2 ps4's. My PS5 has it's games paid. K has the keys ... they might do something or not. Time will tell i guess.
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