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  1. PS4 ESP32 Server 9.00u for ESP32 S2 Boards by Stooged

    Proceeding his PS4 Server 9.00 / PS4 Server 9.00u for ESP8266 D1 Mini & Pro, PS4Scene developer @stooged shared on the forum an ESP32 Server 9.00u for the PS4 9.00 pOOBs4 Exploit with ESP32 S2 Boards noting the best would be an S2 Mini as they're small and around $5 only. :geek: Download...
  2. PS4Brew 5.05 for ESP32 and ESP8266 Devices by CelliesProjects

    Earlier this week we saw a decked out PS4 AIO Offline 5.05 Exploit Playground, and recently CelliesProjects made available what he calls PS4Brew 5.05 for ESP32 and ESP8266 devices in 5.05 jailbreaking aimed at PlayStation 4 minimalists. :geekxf2: Prior to PS4Brew 5.05 for ESP32 / ESP8266, he's...