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  1. PS5 Activity Log: Displays Playtime of PS5 Games by Hotshotz79

    PS5 Scene developer @hotshotzps5 (aka hotshotz79) let us know he recently released PS5 Activity Log on his Github repository, which is a Windows application that displays the playtime activities of PlayStation 5 games on Exploited PS5 consoles. :cool: Download: (14.5...
  2. PS5-Xplorer PS5 Homebrew File Explorer / Manager PKG by Lapy05575948

    Proceeding his PS4 Xplorer File Manager PKG Updates, PS4-Xplorer File Manager Theme & Avatar Maker and PS4 Kernel BTTF: Kernel Clock Changer Homebrew App developer @Lapy released via Twitter a PS5-Xplorer PS5 Homebrew File Explorer / Manager PKG 'sandbox' test alongside some updates and a...