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  1. BD-JB PS5 Exploit (Userland) Revision for 7.61 Firmware by TheFloW

    Proceeding TheFlow0's BD-JB Sandbox Escape at Hexacon, the 4.03 PS5 HEN PS4 FPKG Enabler Payload & Porting Offsets and the recent 4.50 PS5 HEN PS4 FPKG Enabler Payload Port comes a revision by Security Engineer theflow0 to the BD-JB PS5 Exploit (BD-J Tools) that supports Userland execution, not...
  2. Mast1c0re: Hacking PS4 / PS5 with Userland Exploit via PS2 Emulator by CTurt

    Proceeding his previous FreeDVDBoot for PS3 / PS4 & Blu-ray BD-J Attacks and Tweet updates, today Security Engineer @CTurt announced on Twitter a new article covering mast1c0re: Hacking the PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5 through the PS2 emulator utilizing an unpatched PS4 / PS5 userland exploit...
  3. PS5 WebKit Also Affected by Use-After-Free Vulnerability (CVE-2021-30858)

    Since testing of the Use-After-Free Vulnerability (CVE-2021-30858) in the PS4Scene indicated the bug is present in the PS4 WebKit, several in the PS5Scene also gave the Proof-of-Concept Test a try with the PS5 OSS WebKit on a PlayStation 5 console including @cedsaill4 (aka Cedsaill2 on Twitter)...
  4. Sony Unveils PS5 Hardware Trailer and New PlayStation 5 Game Videos!

    Just in time for the holidays, in PS5 News today Sony unveiled a fresh PS5 Hardware trailer video alongside some new PS5 Game Trailers for the PlayStation 5 Scene to enjoy! ☃️ ❄️ Although PS5Scene Game Dumps are making rounds across topsites, there currently is no confirmation on whether the...
  5. PS5 WebKit Open Source Software Live, PS5Scene Devs Hunt for Exploits!

    Today Sony put live several PlayStation 5 pages including a System Software License Agreement for the PS5 System (EULA) page and a Source Code for Open Source Software Used in PlayStation 5 (PS5 OSS / WebKit) page similar to the PS4 OSS WebKit that includes both a PS5 WebKit and PS5 WebKit...
  6. PlayStation 5 (PS5) Jailbreak Status

    Welcome to the PS5 Scene! Add us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates! :kitty: As was done for PS4, we'll update this PS5 Jailbreak Status thread whenever the PlayStation 5 Jailbreak Status changes and include links to any PS5 Webkit / PS5 Kernel Exploit / Strings as they surface...