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  1. GayMaker: Studio PS4 GameMaker Studio 1.4 Port for Creating PKGs

    Following his GameMakerPS4.pkg GameMaker Studio PS4 homebrew PKG release, PlayStation developer SilicaDevs (aka @SilicaAndPina) made available a GayMaker: Studio PS4 port based off his GayMaker Tool for PS Vita of GameMaker Studio 1.4 used in exporting GM:S .gmx project files and creating...
  2. NoPsmDrm v1.0 PS Vita Plugin to Bypass PSM DRM by Frangarcj

    Following the NoNpDrm v1.1 update and NoNPDRM Key RIF Extractor, PlayStation Vita homebrew developer frangarcj has just released a NoPsmDrm v1.0 plugin with source code to bypass DRM protection for PSM game content on PS Vita, PlayStation Vita TV and PS TV devices running Firmware 3.60, the...
  3. PKG2Zip by MMOZeiko for Decrypting / Zipping PS Vita PKG Files

    Those seeking an alternative to PKGDecrypt may want to check out PKG2Zip by mmozeiko, which decrypts PlayStation Vita PKG files and creates zip packages optionally embedding a NoNpDrm license into the work.bin file. :cool: Download: pkg2zip (32bit / 64bit) / GIT / pkg2zip.exe / Yoti GIT Fork /...