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  1. Prospero Directory Tree Listing & Dumping PS5 4.03 Filesystem Script

    In PlayStation 5 Scene news today, following the Prospero Modules & Syscalls derived from the EAWebkit Sources by PSXDev (aka BigBoss) comes a Prospero Directory Tree Listing with a Sandbox Script for Dumping the PS5 4.03 Filesystem alongside a partial 4.03 PS5 Filesystem Dump via...
  2. PS5 Webkit Execution: 4.03 ROP Userland Exploitation on PlayStation 5

    In PlayStation 5 Scene news today developers ChendoChap and @zezu420 (Znullptr on Twitter aka dmiller423) released some PS5 Webkit Execution documentation and related code for 4.03 ROP Userland Exploitation (3.20 now included also) on PlayStation 5 while stating that DNS redirection to https...