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PS4 Heap Use-After-Free at WebCore 3.50 PoC by Hunter128
Well that didn't take long since news of the PS4 Webkit Exploit for 3.50 broke, with PlayStation 4 developer Hunter128 stepping up to the plate with the heap use-after-free at WebCore 3.50 proof-of-concept! :) Without further ado, here's what he...
PS4 3.50 Webkit Exploit from PlayStation 4 Dev Qwertyoruiop
Last month a PS4 Webkit Exploit 2.XX PoC surfaced, and today PlayStation 4 developer qwertyoruiop tweeted news of a PS4 3.50 Webkit Exploit via a heap use-after-free at WebCore::TimerBase::heapPopMin() bug with a proof-of-concept incoming. :)...
PS4 Developer CTurt on Analysis of FreeBSD Kernel Exploits
Earlier this month PlayStation 4 developer CTurt reported news of a new FreeBSD Kernel Exploit, and today he's updated Github with an analysis of both the FreeBSD SETFKEY kernel vulnerability (CVE-2016-1886) and the kernel heap overflow...
Hitodama PS4*** ELFLoader with PS4 Kernel ELF Loading and Hooking
Following his previous work, PlayStation 4 developer Hitodama has updated the PS4SDK ELFLoader with basic PS4 kernel ELF loading and hooking among other updates according to his recent tweets below. Download: /...
PS4 FTP Server & Debug Settings Join WebKit Playground by Fx0day
Recently we reported on the discovery of Sony's PS4 Debug Menu for retail consoles, and today PlayStation 4 developer fx0day (Twitter) updated CTurt's PS4 Playground (GIT) with an FTP Server and those handy Debug Settings! :D To quote: Here's my...
New FreeBSD Kernel Exploit Discovered by PS4 Developer CTurt
Following his announcement of a Kernel Exploit for FreeBSD 10.2, today PlayStation 4 developer CTurt revealed news of a new FreeBSD kernel exploit which he says will be published for PS4 developers to examine once the security team patches it...
PS4 Development Menu (Debug Mode) Enabled on Retail PlayStation 4
Just over a week ago we heard rumors of accessing the PS4 Debug Mode Settings on retail PlayStation 4 consoles, and today scene developer CTurt confirmed it's now possible to access the PS4 Dev Menu on 1.76 retail units thanks to Flat_z! :D...
PS4 Webkit Exploit PoC for PlayStation 4 Firmware 2.XX by Fire30
Following news of the PS4 Dlclose Exploit for 1.76 and more recently the Entry Point findings, today Wololo reports that PlayStation 4 developer Fire30 made available on Github a PS4 Webkit Exploit proof-of-concept for PlayStation 4 Firmware...
PS4 3.15 Firmware Entry Point for Testing from Zecoxao
Following the recent PS4 Dlclose Exploit for 1.76 Firmware, today I'd like to share a talk between zecoxao and Zer0xFF on finding an entry point for testing with PS4 Firmware 3.15 and also 3.50.
PS4Link Library Updated by BigBoss with LDR Creation and More!
Since the last revision, PlayStation 4 developer BigBoss has updated the PS4Link library which allows PS4 to communicate and utilize a host file system with the PS4Client host tool. According to the developer, PS4Link is now updated with ldr...