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This is for the Pwners: Exploiting a WebKit 0-day in PlayStation 4
Following their Initial Announcement and the recent PS4 WebKit 7.00-7.02 Exploit Talos WebSocket Vulnerability Probe, today abu_y0ussef and 0xdagger via Synacktiv shared at Black Hat Europe 2020 a Webkit exploit that gives arbitrary R/W (Read /...
Talos WebSocket Vulnerability Probed for PS4 7.00-7.02 WebKit Exploit
With the PS4 WebKit 0-day BlackHat Europe 2020 presentation tomorrow available, recently _Icewall disclosed two advisories via Talos Intelligence vulnerability reports... and while patched, one may be able to bridge the gap between a missing PS4...
PS4 6.72 Exploit Menu Updates by Leeful74, PlayStation Bounty by TheFloW
Following his PS4 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit Menu & PS-Phwoar! Host Menu Demo, PlayStation 4 homebrew developer @Leeful (Leeful74 on Twitter) recently shared some new PS4 6.72 Exploit Menu Updates including v9a / v9b Menus, PS-Phwoar! For 6.72, some...
How Sony's PS4 Security Was Defeated Overview by Modern Vintage Gamer
Next month Sony's PlayStation 5 next-generation console arrives, and as a result ModernVintageG's latest video on Modern Vintage Gamer's YouTube Channel covers an overview on How Sony's PS4 Security Was Defeated for those late to the PlayStation...
Exploiting 0-Day PS4 WebKit Vulnerability on 6.xx Firmwares at BHEU 2020
Since the PS4 6.XX JSC_ConcatMemcpy WebKit Exploit, PS4 6.20 WebKit Code Execution Exploit, PS4 Webkit Bad_Hoist Exploit for PS4 FW 6.XX, PS4 Webkit Bad_Hoist 6.72 Exploit Port and PS4JB 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit security researchers 0xdagger of...
Locating a Jailbreakable PS4 6.72 (or Below) Firmware Console in 2020
Following last year's article on Finding a Jailbreakable PS4 on 5.05 / 5.07 Firmware, here's an updated list to help when Locating a Jailbreakable PS4 6.72 (or Below) Firmware Console in 2020 for use with the latest 6.72 PS4 Jailbreak Exploit...
Android PS4 Exploit Host 6.72 Server APK File by Saad Alareqi
Proceeding the PS4 Jailbreak 6.72 Exploit Menu by @Leeful (Twitter), today Saad-Alareqi shared an Android application that acts as a server to host the aforementioned PlayStation 4 v6.72 Exploit Menu that followed the PS4JB 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit...
PS4HEN 2.1.3 with 7.51 FW Version Spoof 6.72 Port via Joonie86 / SiSTR0
Following PS4HEN v2.1.3, the PS4HEN v2.1.4 Fork, ESP8266 Xploit Host 2.84g, the PS4 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit Menu v6 updates and PS4 Cheater 1.4.8 with 6.72 support by GiantPluto, today PlayStation scene developers @Joonie (Joonie86) and SiSTR0...
PS4 IPv6 UAF 6.70-6.72 Kernel Exploit with Patches, Maybe More Stable!
Since his PS4 Save Mounter Utility release, the PS4 6.20 ROP Execution Method, PS4 Webkit Bad_Hoist Exploit, 7.02 PS4 KEX, PS4 Webkit Exploit 6.72 Port, PS4 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit, Backporting PS4 Instructions, ESP8266 Xploit 6.72 Host and 6.72...
6.72 PS4 Jailbreak Exploit Menu & PS-Phwoar! Host Menu Demo by Leeful74
Those seeking a simple 6.72 PS4 Jailbreak Exploit Menu may want to check out the latest below from @Leeful via Twitter alongside a couple work-in-progress (WIP) demo videos of his upcoming PS-Phwoar! Host Menu For 6.72 v1.0 that he plans to share...