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  1. More PS5 Game Releases by Dumper BedroZen & Scene Group DUPLEX

    As PS5B continues scoring topsite credits with dumped PlayStation 5 games that currently aren't playable in their raw and encrypted state, PS5 Scene game dumper @BedroZen on Twitter released some new titles while DUPLEX keeps their newfound love for PS5 alive with even more releases of their own...
  2. Latest PS4 FPKGs and PS5 Game Dumps in PS4Scene / PS5Scene

    Following the latest The.King.of.Fighters.XV.PS5-DUPLEX release comes some more PS4 FPKG Games courtesy of @opoisso893 on Twitter with help from @golemnight and from @materazzus for use on a PS4 Jailbroken console in the PS4Scene, a Hacked PS5 console via Itemzflow, the PS5 HEN 4.03 PS4 FPKG...
  3. PS5-Ready Exploit Host for Self-Hosting PlayStation 5 Exploit by Al Azif

    Developer @Al Azif made available via Twitter a 'blast from the past' PS4 Exploit Host release which now offers a PS5-Ready Exploit Host including PlayStation 5 support for those in the PS5Scene to host their own exploit complete with a Windows EXE build for one click hosting. :geek: Download...
  4. PS5 Games by Scene Group DUPLEX and More PS4 / PS5 Releases!

    After hibernating since July 2022, popular scene group DUPLEX has finally defrosted and grabbed the PS5Scene by the... PlayStation 5... with the release of their first among many PS5 Game Dumps alongside new game updates by @BedroZen on Twitter, PS4Scene backporter @opoisso893 on Twitter with...
  5. Executable Decryptor UI: Decrypts PS5 Game Dump Exes, Signs ELFs & EBOOTs

    Proceeding his PS5 Save Transfer Wizard and PS4 .MC4 Decrypter GUI Version, PlayStation 5 Scene developer @rajeshca911 released via Twitter an Executable Decryptor UI that extracts and decrypts PS5 Game Dump executables, verifies proper decryption, and signs ELFs and EBOOT.BIN files that can be...
  6. New PS4 FPKGs and PS5 Game Dumps in PS4Scene / PS5Scene

    Here are some new PS4 FPKGs and PS5 Game Dumps for Jailbroken PS4 consoles in the PlayStation 4 Scene and Hacked PS5 consoles in the PlayStation 5 Scene via Itemzflow PS5, the PS5 HEN 4.03 PS4 FPKG Enabler, PS5 HEN 4.50 PS4 FPKG Enabler or PS5 HEN 4.51 PS4 FPKG Enabler payloads. :love: Below...
  7. Sleirsgoevy Announces PS5 Kstuff Porting Tool Complete for Missing Offsets

    In PS5Scene news today developer @sleirsgoevy announced on Twitter that the Kstuff PS5 Porting Tool is complete allowing others to dump the offsets for the missing PlayStation 5 Firmware on PS5 versions 3.00 to 4.51 that have a kernel exploit while noting the list of currently supported...
  8. PS5 PI Server for Raspberry PI, Rock PI & BTT PI Devices by Stooged

    Following his PS5 Server Project for ESP8266 D1 Mini Pro and PS5 Server Pico Project for Raspberry Pi Pico W, in PS5 News today PS5Scene developer @stooged added a PS5 PI Server to his Github Repository that supports Raspberry PI, Rock PI and BTT PI devices on Exploited PlayStation 5 consoles...
  9. Selfutil_PS5.exe: SelfUtil-Patched for PS5 FSelfs to ELFs via CyB1K

    Proceeding SELFUtil by dmiller423 (Znullptr), SelfUtil Patched by SpecialFoodx (mtnjustarie) and the PS4 Fake PKG Tools 3.87 V6 update earlier this month, developer @CyB1K aka Cyberpt1000 let us know on Twitter he added Selfutil_PS5.exe to SelfUtil-Patched for converting PS5 FSelfs to PS5 ELFs...
  10. PS5 Game Dumps for Hacked PlayStation 5 Consoles via BedroZen

    As the PS5 Scene awaits @flatz's documentation and public disclosure of working PS5 Fake PKG (FPKG) methods (mentioned HERE) similar to his Method to Handle PS4 Fake PKGs & SELF / FSELF Write-up in the PS4 Scene, over the holidays PlayStation 5 game dumper @BedroZen (Twitter) with special thanks...