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Announcements       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Nov 11, 2015 at 6:57 PM       2      
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Alert.png A quick update today to cover some Xenforo features you may or may not be aware of... you can use the @ symbol to tag another PSXHAX member in a post now, for example if AdvMerlin mentions me it would be @PSXHAX which should then send me an Alert notification (pictured to the right) and when I hover on the Alerts menu I will see the following:


Following.png Another cool Facebook-esque feature to keep track of other members and PlayStation developers who reside here is the ability to 'follow' them by adding them to your Following List (pictured at right).

Once you add someone, their actions, likes, comments etc will appear in your News Feed (pictured below) when you login each day so that you can get up to speed quickly with what's going on in the scene.


That's it for the moment folks, and have a HAXtacular day! ;)


Not a clue on what put here it go....

I talked to racer to let him know that I'm sending off more units to him and he would get them Saturday. I asked him what has he been up to. He just said he is taking a break from it and will be back this week yet or next week.

All he just said was he needed a break and he got one and is willing to start up again. I know that he was out all day and then he would go downstairs and work for another 5-6 hours. Seven days a week. I think we can give him break. Cya when you get back. Later all.
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