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  1. PS4 Crypto CoProcessor (CCP) Bug on SAMU Key Slots for Save Keys & More!

    As the PS4Scene releases even more PS4 PKG 9.00 Game Dumps this month via the pOOBs4 Exploit, following the PS4 PKG / Keys Information and his PKG_PFS_Tool: PS4 PKG / PFS / Save Games Unpacker Tool developer @flatz disclosed on Twitter a PS4 Crypto CoProcessor (CCP) Kernel Bug that allows...
  2. PS4 IPL AES + HMAC Key Recovery Project Demo by Vpikhur

    Recently Volodymyr Pikhur has been working on a PS4 IPL AES + HMAC Key Recovery Project with help from nedos utilizing a Verilog FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) to detect IPL (Initial Program Load) read and trigger capture board. :ninja: PlayStation 4 hardware guys that favor FPGA's...