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  1. PS4PRX: PS4 SPRX Modules Creation and Loading Detailed by Swaqq

    Following the PS4 CoD: AW Mod, PS3 SPRX / EBOOT Game Mods and recent PS4API update today PlayStation 4 developer SwaqqDev shared PS4PRX details on creating and loading PS4 SPRX modules including a prx_writeup.pdf and PS4Prx.exe PS4 SPRX Loader utility. :cool: Download: (430.05 KB) /...
  2. Foe

    Fallout 4 and Skyrim Remastered PS4 Mods Support Incoming

    Recently Bethesda Softworks announced that mods will be coming to Skyrim Remastered on PlayStation 4 first, followed by the release of PS4 mods for Skyrim on October 28, 2016 with Fallout 4 following suit soon after. Although Sony is not letting us use external textures and meshes this is still...