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PS Vita CFW and Hacks       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Nov 17, 2016 at 11:58 PM       29      
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Today Adrenaline 6.61 is released which is a PSPemu Custom Firmware (CFW) modification of Sony's official PSP Emulator for TaiHEN on PS Vita by PlayStation Vita homebrew developer TheFloW with details and updates linked below! :cool:

Download: (138.1 KB) / (138.2 KB) / GIT / adrenaline.rar (Design) (125.13 KB) and AdrenalineEasyInstaller.vpk (659.78 KB) by freakler94 / 6.61 Adrenaline-2 Custom Firmware / PSPInstaller (Adrenaline Edition) / Adrenaline 6 M1 English Version by theheroGAC

From the 6.61 Adrenaline ReadMe.txt to quote: 6.61 Adrenaline

A software that transforms your PS Vita into a two-in-one device

About this release

I have decided to release Adrenaline earlier than planned since I'm going to have exams soon and therefore won't have time to do anything for the scene. I will take a break until February and will return back to add the remaining features for Adrenaline. Wait, what is remaining?

This release of Adrenaline does not have all features that I have been talking about. The reason therefore is that I want to have a stable v1 release first before adding more things. These features are not included yet:
  • 64MB RAM
  • PS1 games support
  • Ability to use ur0 as Memory Stick File System
  • Savestates
Remember, those are only some small features, everything else is now available as I have promised! So yeah, you have read correctly: I'm going to take a break and won't do anything for the PS Vita until FEBRUARY. Of course if there are major bugs in this release, I'm going to fix them.

I hope that you understand and respect my decision. If not...then I don't understand YOU ;)

What is Adrenaline?

GTA VCS on PS Vita.jpgAdrenaline is a software that modifies the official PSP Emulator using taiHEN CFW framework to make it run a PSP 6.61 custom firmware. Thanks to the power of taiHEN, Adrenaline can inject custom code into the IPL which allows unsigned code to run at boottime.

What does Adrenaline currently support?

Adrenaline has got most of the features that a real PSP with CFW has got:
  • XMB
  • Homebrews
  • Plugins
  • VshMenu, Recovery menu
  • And more ;)
What are the differences between Adrenaline and TN-V?
  • Ability to take screenshots using PS + START
  • Ability to use the PS button as HOME button
  • Ability to use a custom graphics filter
  • No file system limitation by using a custom msfs.
How to install Adrenaline
  • Install any PSP game/demo onto your PS Vita (compatiblity for PS1 games as bubble will be added in the future).
  • Shutdown your PS Vita and visit
  • Launch molecularShell, press START and set 'Enable unsafe homebrews' to 'On'.
  • Reboot your PS Vita and then install VitaShell from molecularShell (
  • In VitaShell open FTP by pressing SELECT and copy the 'adrenaline' folder from the archive and paste it at 'ux0:pspemu/'.
  • Download the 6.61 EBOOT.PBP (for 1000/2000/3000) from the Sony server (google it) and paste it at 'ux0:pspemu/adrenaline/661.PBP'.
Copy 'ux0:tai/config.txt' to your PC and add the following lines:

Example of config.txt:
        # You must reboot for changes to take place.
        # main is a special titleid for SceShell
        # this is for modifying the version string
Note that you replace TITLEID by the titleid of your PSP game (the name of the folder where EBOOT.PBP is).
  • Reboot your device and revisit the page I have mentioned above.
  • Launch the game for which you have added the plugin's line to config.txt.
  • Follow the instructions on screen.
  • Enjoy
How to use the Adrenaline Menu
  • Hold the PS button until the 'Quick menu' appears and choose 'Settings'.
  • This button will not open the official PSP settings menu as usually, but it will open the Adrenaline Menu instead (the official Settings menu will be accessible within Adrenaline Menu)
  • As I have mentioned, the PS button will be used as HOME button, thus pressing it will not let you go back to the livearea. The only way you can exit the PSP Emulator is by clicking the 'Exit PspEmu Application' option.

You can switch tabs using L/R triggers, UP/DOWN to move, X/LEFT/RIGHT to change options and START/O to close the menu.

About custom graphics filtering

Right now, you have got four different options you can choose:
  • Official: If this is selected, the official filtering will be used (the one choosed in the official settings).
  • Bilinear GPU: The filter being applied by GPU does look a bit smoother than the official bilinear filtering.
  • Sharp bilinear: This filter is an improved bilinear filter where scanlines are added to give it a sharper look.
  • LCD3x: This filter has got vertical and horizontal scanlines and will make the screen a bit darker.
About right analog stick in games

The right analog patch for GTA LCS/GTA VCS will be downloaded from here:

Don't think that any other games will now have right analog stick patch too ;)


If you wish to donate me some money, I'd really appreciate. But just don't write thanks for PSP backups :LOL:

Download with 661.PBP FIX

Download with 661.PBP and C1-2858-3 crash on MINIS FIX
Here are some PS Vita ARK-2 / ARK-3 eCFW mirrors as well for those interested:
Thanks to @torytyler for the heads-up in the PSXHAX Shoutbox! (y)
Adrenaline 6.61 PSPemu CFW for TaiHEN on PS Vita by TheFloW.jpg


6.61 Adrenaline-2 Custom Firmware is now released by TheFloW with details below.

Download: (125.52 KB) / PS Vita AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.06 via freakler94

To quote via TheOfficialFloW:

6.61 Adrenaline

A software that transforms your PS Vita into a two-in-one device


For 6.61 Adrenaline-2 or higher, you must put Adrenaline files to 'ux0:adrenaline' instead of 'ux0:pspemu/adrenaline'.

Changelog v2

- Added 64MB RAM support for homebrews.
- Added ability to use the 'ur0:' partition as Memory Stick.
- Added Advanced AA filter (disable 'Smooth Graphics' for that filter).
- Added ability to change smooth graphics (GPU internal bilinear filter).
- Added ability to change screen size (2.0x, 1.75x, 1.5x, 1.25x, 1.0x).
- Fixed sound issue in 'MotorStorm' and some other games.
- Fixed bug where 'ms0:/MUSIC' and 'ms0:/PICTURE' were not found in XMB.
- Fixed bug where changing options in the official settings menu didn't have any effect.

What is Adrenaline?

Adrenaline is a software that modifies the official PSP Emulator using taiHEN CFW framework
to make it run a PSP 6.61 custom firmware. Thanks to the power of taiHEN, Adrenaline can
inject custom code into the IPL which allows unsigned code to run at boottime.

What does Adrenaline currently support?

Adrenaline has got most of the features that a real PSP with CFW has got:

- Homebrews
- Plugins
- VshMenu, Recovery menu
- And more ;)

What are the differences between Adrenaline and TN-V?

- Ability to take screenshots using PS + START
- Ability to use the PS button as HOME button
- Ability to use a custom graphics filter
- No file system limitation by using a custom msfs.

How to install Adrenaline

* Install any PSP game/demo onto your PS Vita (compatiblity for PS1 games as bubble will be added in the future).
* Shutdown your PS Vita and visit
* Launch molecularShell, press START and set 'Enable unsafe homebrews' to 'On'.
* Reboot your PS Vita and then install VitaShell from molecularShell (
* In VitaShell open FTP by pressing SELECT and copy the 'adrenaline' folder from the archive and paste it at 'ux0:'.
* Download the 6.61 EBOOT.PBP (for 1000/2000/3000) from the Sony server (google it)
and paste it at 'ux0:adrenaline/661.PBP'.
* Copy 'ux0:tai/config.txt' to your PC and add the following lines:


Example of config.txt:
# You must reboot for changes to take place.
# main is a special titleid for SceShell
# this is for modifying the version string

Note that you replace TITLEID by the titleid of your PSP game (the name of the folder where EBOOT.PBP is).
* Reboot your device and revisit the page I have mentioned above.
* Launch the game for which you have added the plugin's line to config.txt.
* Follow the instructions on screen.
* Enjoy

How to use the Adrenaline Menu

Hold the PS button until the 'Quick menu' appears and choose 'Settings'.
This button will not open the official PSP settings menu as usually, but it will open
the Adrenaline Menu instead (the official Settings menu will be accessible within Adrenaline Menu)
As I have mentioned, the PS button will be used as HOME button, thus pressing it will not let you go back to the
livearea. The only way you can exit the PSP Emulator is by clicking the 'Exit PspEmu Application' option.


You can switch tabs using L/R triggers, UP/DOWN to move, X/LEFT/RIGHT to change options and START/O to close the menu.

About custom graphics filtering

Right now, you have got four different options you can choose:

- Official: If this is selected, the official filtering will be used (the one choosed in the official settings).
- Bilinear GPU: The filter being applied by GPU does look a bit smoother than the official bilinear filtering.
- Sharp bilinear: This filter is an improved bilinear filter where scanlines are added to give it a sharper look.
- Advanced AA filter: This filter looks the best if you disable 'Smooth graphics'.
- LCD3x: This filter has got vertical and horizontal scanlines and will make the screen a bit darker.

About right analog stick in games

The right analog patch for GTA LCS/GTA VCS will be downloaded from here:
Don't think that any other games will now have right analog stick patch too ;)


If you wish to donate me some money, I'd really appreciate. But just don't write thanks for PSP backups :D

6.61 Adrenaline 3 Changelog via

Changelog v3
  • Added ability to launch PS1 games from XMB and play them with full sound.
  • Added ability to save and load states using the 'States' tab in the Adrenaline menu.
  • Added possiblity to connect USB in XMB and added 'Toggle USB' option to recovery menu.
  • Added ability to return to livearea by double tapping the PS button.
  • Added Adrenaline startup image designed by Freakler.
  • Added option to force high memory layout. For 'The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion' Demo.
  • Added option to execute 'BOOT.BIN' in UMD/ISO. For 'Saints Row: Undercover' Demo.
  • Added correct enter and cancel buttons assignment.
  • Fixed volatile memory allocation bug that made 'Star Wars: The Force Unleashed', 'Tony Hawk's Project 8' and maybe more games crashing.
  • Fixed bug that was introduced in v2 which caused some games to crashed at PMF sequences.
  • Fixed NoDrm engine bug where fan translated games couldn't load PGD decrypted files.
  • Fixed msfs directory filter bug that caused some games not to recognize savedatas.
  • Fixed compatiblity of base games, any game should now be able to use Adrenaline to the fullest.
Here is the Adrenaline 3 release with source code and video demo courtesy of TheFloW! :D

6.61 Adrenaline-3:

:arrow: And from Freakler comes PS Vita AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.07:

vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.07
  • added all releases of Adrenaline to choose from
  • restructured the menu because of all new options
  • you can now up/downgrade without rebooting (with same basegame)
  • the used basegame for Adrenaline will show up green in selection menu
  • added Advanced LiveArea Theming Option (app.db)
  • added view Adrenaline Update-History as option
  • added firmware check warning for future hacks
  • added check for valid 661.PBP file (if not it will be deleted)
  • added check for existing PBOOTs in basegames
  • added check for changeinfo.xml installation
  • typical CFW files & folders will now be created automatically
  • added option to display taiHEN config.txt
  • added option to reload taiHEN config.txt
  • adjusted Bubble Name and livearea
  • removed blocking of PSButton again
  • removed unnecessary files & code
and probably more i forgot..

6.61 Adrenaline-3 fix update from TheFloW:

6.61 Adrenaline-3 fix

:arrow: Another minor update released: 6.61 Adrenaline-3.1
6.61 Adrenaline-3.1


:arrow: Some more PS Vita AdrenalineEasyInstaller updates from Freakler:

vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.08
  • updated for Adrenaline-3 fix
  • removed resetting of installed flash files when up/downgrading as its not needed
vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.09
  • updated for Adrenaline-3.1
Latest 6.61 Adrenaline 4.1 from TheFloW and AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.11 / v1.12 from Freakler updates:

6.61 Adrenaline-4.1
  • Fixed bug where holding R trigger while launching Adrenaline didn't open the recovery menu.
  • Fixed msfs truncation bug that caused savedata corruption for Little Big Planet and maybe other games.
  • Fixed wrong scale of PS1 games on PS TV.
:arrow: vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.11

Adrenaline now has a network updater so go use that. I'll just keep updating this for myself and bugfixes or whatever..
  • updated for Adrenaline-4.1
  • added unsafe hombrew check (thanks electr0sheep)
:arrow: vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.12
  • adjustments due to latest tai/config.txt location change
Latest 6.61 Adrenaline 5 from TheFloW:

6.61 Adrenaline-5
  • Added 'Hide DLC's in game menu' functionality.
  • Readded 'Original' graphics filtering, since PS1 games have got framedrops using custom filters.
  • Fixed corrupted icons bug that was introduced in the previous update.
  • Fixed bug where the framebuffer was corrupted after loading savestate.
  • Adrenaline icon is now hidden in game menu.

AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.13 / v1.14 from Freakler updates:

vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.13
  • updated for Adrenaline-4.2
vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.14
  • updated for Adrenaline-5
  • removed ISO/video/ folder creation
Latest 6.61 Adrenaline 5.1 from TheFloW:

6.61 Adrenaline-5.1
  • Added ability to skip adrenaline boot logo.
  • Added message for original filter.
  • Fixed bug where payloadex was not updated and caused some bugs.
  • Fixed '20000006' bug on PS TV. Network update will work on PS TV in the future.
  • Changed CPU clock back to 333 MHz.
:arrow: vita-AdrenalineEasyInstaller v1.15
  • updated for Adrenaline-5.1
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