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PS Vita CFW and Hacks       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Jun 20, 2017 at 10:20 PM       13      
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Following his previous homebrew updates, PlayStation Vita developer LMAN (TheLeecherMan) has released AdrBubbleBooter (Adrenaline Bubble Booter) for PS Vita users as a HENkaku Plugin with details below. (y)

Download: AdrBubbleBooter.v0.1.PSVita.HENkaku.Plugin-LMAN.rar / AdrBubbleBooter.v0.2.PSVita.HENkaku.Plugin-LMAN.rar / AdrBubbleBooter.v0.3.PSVita.HENkaku.Plugin-LMAN.rar / Adrenaline Bubble Manager (Latest) / GIT / VitaBubbles (Latest) / GIT via ONElua

To quote from his Blog: AdrBubbleBooter

Adrenaline Bubble Booter (C) 2017 LMAN <leecherman>

Directly boot any game (ISO\CSO\PBP\PSOne) from any PSP Bubble in livearea, with all features enabled, plugins, filter, savestates and PSOne sound enabled.

This is a separated plugin, which can be used with all new adrenaline versions, so no worries with the compatibility issue or with updated adrenaline versions.


If you wish to donate me some money, I'd really appreciate it. I'm using one of my friend's donation address, here is the link if you want to donate: Link:


  • First public release.
  • Updated some codes and instructions.
  • Updated codes and made some tweaks. You can boot game from both ux0, ur0 partitions without changing the plugin's location.

If this your first time using adrenaline, then read the author readme to install it correctly, otherwise it will not work, because this is depends on adrenaline, and make sure to install adrenaline folder in the storage root (ux0:adrenaline or ur0:adrenaline) after installing it, run it once.

1) To enable adrenaline bubble booter, copy 'adrbblbooter' folder to your PSVita storage root : You can use ux0: or ur0: storage:
2) Add 'adrbblbooter.suprx' first in line before 'adrenaline.suprx' under *TITLEID in HENkaku config :
Will use NPXX00001 as an example of the PSP bubble in livearea:
If you want to disable adrenaline startdat image, add 'adrbblbooter_nostartdat.suprx' instead of 'adrbblbooter.suprx' first in line before 'adrenaline.suprx' in HENkaku config :
After that Reload taiHen config.txt from molecularShell.

3) Go to 'ux0:adrbblbooter/bubblesdb' folder, and create a text file and
name it with any TITLEID you want to make it boot (ISO\CSO\PBP\PSOne) from bubble :
Open the created file 'NPXX00001.txt' in notepad and add the full path to the ISO\CSO\PBP\PSOne game into it ( must be a ms0: path, not ux0:pspemu also you can change\update the path any-time) :
Note: This line means in PSVita side as (ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/FILER/EBOOT.PBP)

That's it, do these steps (#2, #3) for each PSP bubble you want to auto\direct boot it.

If you want to remove bubble auto\direct boot for specific game, just delete the text file which containing it's titleid name:
Enjoy (-:

:arrow: Update: Also above is Adrenaline Bubble Manager v1.0 by ONElua with the details on it via Github, as follows:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v1.0


This useful application allows you to make personalized bubbles with 'icon' and 'title' of your PSP content (HBS / PSX / ISO / CSO) quick and easy, using the 'LMAN' plugin, and adding the lines Of the plugin to the GAMEID in the config.txt of taihen, also creates the GAMEID.TXT for the plugin, forgetting completely of the tedious and long manual method.


The initial interface is composed by the list of available PSP content to launch, get positioned over the desired content using the D-pad and press X on the desired game to proceed to select the bubble that will launch it, a popup window will show you all the bubbles available to use, you only have to position yourself on the desired one and press X, to begin the linking process, this app will tell you if there is an installed pboot and if you want to change it and continue, then the app will ask you if the STARTDAT should be disabled, you will also be asked if you want to change the Name the bubble or use that of the content to link, and finally you will be asked to restart the console to update the database. Note: This app will allow you to personalize more than one bubble at a time.

  • Up/Down: Browse the list of PSP content(HB/ISO/CSO) or Browse the list of bubbles to boot.
  • Cross: Select content and go to bubble selection or select bubble and create your access.
  • Circle: Go to previous section.
  • Triangle: enable/disable view of 'PIC1'.
  • Start: Go to livearea.
Changelog 1.0
  • Initial release 'POC'.
  • Added automatic network update. app will now notify you when there's a new update.
  • Support get and view complete list of content of PSPemu.
  • Added option enable/disable view of 'PIC1'.
  • Adrenaline Bubble Booter By LMAN 'leecherman'
  • eCFW Adrenaline By TheFloW.
  • PBOOT icon and livearea icon By Freakler.
  • Testers Falaschi, baltazarregala4.
  • Some graphics By WZ-JK.
Cheers to @DarkElementPL for the heads-up in the PSXHAX Shoutbox! <3
Adrenaline Bubble Booter for PS Vita by LMAN (TheLeecherMan).jpg


Here's an update to Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.00 by ONElua, and to quote from Github:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.00

Changelog 3.00
  • Adrbblbooter plugin files updated to newest version (v0.5) Thks LMAN leecherman. (adrbblbooter folder must be moved to ur0, and corresponding lines with especific paths must be added to ur0:tai/config.txt)
  • Added support for iso/cso/pbp in uma0 (Use Adrenaline with support for uma0).
  • Now options for PLUGINS and STARTDAT.PNG is Enable for default.
  • Added option to Enable/Disable plugins when linking content to a bubble.
  • Added option Edit GAMEID.txt within ABM for Custom Bubbles (no need to restart):

    1. Path to the iso/cso/pbp file.
    2. UMD driver (INFERNO\MARCH33).
    3. Execute Boot (EBOOT.BIN\EBOOT.OLD\BOOT.BIN).
    4. Plugins state (ENABLE\DISABLE).

  • Removed adrbblbooter_nostartdat.suprx.
  • uma0 support (Use a compiled version of Adrenaline that supports uma0 partition (Adrenaline uma0 commit 0f8e709) Thks LMAN.
  • To be able to use adrenaline on the memory card or the msd with sd2vita adapter, adrenaline folder must be moved to ur0, and corresponding lines with especific paths must be added to ur0:tai/config.txt
  • Remember to change adrbblbooter plugin path for isos already linked on config.txt
It should be:

Another update for those following from ONElua to Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.05, and to quote from Github on the changes:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.05

Changelog 3.05

Adrenaline Bubbles Manager has been updated to be able to create bubbles to use with Adrenaline v6 and Lman's recently updated plugin adrbubblebooter without losing the compatibility with adrenaline v5 and lower versions and corresponding Lman's plugin adrbblbooter for those versions.
  • Added compatibility with Adrenaline v6 and Lmans adrbubblebooter plugin for adrenaline v6.
  • On this version ABM searches for the installed Adrenaline version and adapts to work with found Adrenaline version (either v6 or v5 and lower).
  • Added the option to change the boot.inf driver setup.
  • Added the option to use pic1.png to show as pic0.png and bg0.png, and to set icon0.png from iso/cso/hb to be shown in the bubble and as startup.png (changes will revert after a db rebuild and default Lmans plugin images will be shown).
  • Added the option Bubble Restore to compensate the loss of the iso/cso/hb images from the bubbles after a db rebuild (to use this option ABM opens the selected bubble, but you have to return manually to ABM).
Developer ONElua returns today with Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.06 followed by v3.07, and to quote from Github on the changes:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.06

Changelog 3.06
  • Now the resources (images) for the new bubble are converted to 8bits, so dont worry aboud db rebuild.
  • Support for Old ABM version has been removed.
  • Removed restart after creating bubbles.
  • NOTE: If the iso/cso/hb to launch lacks of icon0.png or pic1.png then ABM will use included Lmans images.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.07

Changelog 3.07
  • Fixed crash while trying to load some functions.
  • Removed some popup messages.
Here's another update from PS Vita Developer ONElua to Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.08, with the changes from Github as follows:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.08
  • New option to single or multi uninstall PSPEMU bubbles.
  • Now the bubble's icons are not stretched and look a lot better.
  • Now you can do multi-bubble installation.
  • Ps Button can be pushed to exit ABM.
  • Cleaned up the code a bit and more popup messages were removed.
Here's the latest update from PS Vita Developer ONElua to Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.09 followed by v3.10, with the changes via Github:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.09
  • Added support for iso/cso/pbp in imc0 (Use Vitashell for mount imc0).
    Thanks to (Namikaze Ruisu).
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v3.10
  • Fixed error caused with iso/cso/pbp which didn't have icons... again!!!.
  • Light aesthetic changes for icons when shown in the lists.
Here's another update from PS Vita Developer ONElua to Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.00 followed by v4.01, with the changes via Github:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.00
  • Fixed error which didn't allow to install more than 30 bubbles.
  • Now when multi-installing more than 9 bubbles a custom keyboard will open after 10th bubble.
  • Now the PS button will be blocked when Getting Resources and Instaling Bubble.
  • Now you can select the bubble background color!!! (17 available colors).
  • Removed more popup messages...again!!!.
  • Thanks ZeroZelta and Dovemac for the iosk keyboard and DevDavis for the port a Psvita.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.01
  • Support to load your own font.ttf (Must be placed in ux0:data/ABM/font.ttf).
  • Now you can translate ABM, you have to translate only the texts in quotation marks of the "system/lang.lua" script found in ABM and place the translation in ux0:data/ABM/lang.lua).
  • Now change the background color of each bubble is individual (Press left/right to change the color).
PS Vita Developer ONElua updated Adrenaline Bubble Manager to version v4.02 today followed by v4.03, with the changes below via Github:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.02
  • Fixed empty iso/cso/pbp list error.
  • Now you can select to resize the games icons to show in Full Bubble or keep the original psp looks (no stretched icons).
  • Press L or R to switch between full or no stretched icons for your bubbles.
  • The script lang.lua got modified, so please update your translation.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.03

Changelog 4.03
  • Fixed error with Homebrews with odd icons, forcing the img to 8bits.
  • Fixed empty iso/cso/pbp list error (Press R) again!!!.

    Changes thanks to 1upus:
  • Autodetect System language and loads translation if found.
  • Translations moved to resources/lang and renamed to .txt
  • Use english_us.txt as default translation.
  • Automatic creation of translation sample on ux0:data/ABM/lang/english_us.txt.
  • Loading translation from ux0:data/ABM/lang/%language%.txt (if exists).
  • Loading custom ttf font from ux0:data/ABM/resources/%language%.ttf (if exists)
  • Some missed strings added to langpack (updater, custom message etc.).
  • Some lua scripts and translation optimization.
PS Vita Developer ONElua is back with Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.04 today followed by some more updates with the changes below via Github:

Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.04
  • Added japanese letters support for game titles with Sony's OSK.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.05
  • Now you can Sort your iso/cso/pbp by Title or by Date of Modification pressing SELECT.
  • Pressing START in the iso/cso/pbp list will display the basic controls.
  • Now the Bubble icons in the "EDIT DATA/BOOT.INF" section are loaded "on the fly".
  • Please update your translations...New lines were added.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.06
  • Now the icons in iso/cso/pbp list are loaded "on the fly".
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.07
  • Now the iso/cso/pbp list shows the installed content, if the game is installed as a bubble already the title will be highlighted green.
  • Now you can choose between list sorting by Installed, Title or Modification Date.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.08
  • Fix error when opening the OSK more than 10 times, thanks to The_Flow!.
  • Update eboot.bin to ONELuavita V4R0.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.09

  • Support for 3.65 CFW (Thanks to Lecheerman).
  • Fix automatic network update (Add TLS v1.2 Support).
  • Updated to the latest version of ONElua.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.10

  • Buttons X and O reassigned only when using ABM (only if required).
  • Fix list sorting, now ABM shows last preset option everytime.
  • Fix snowfall animation.
:arrow: Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.11

  • Added drop down submenu when pressing START.
  • Added option to choose a favorite color (Will be saved).
  • Added option to show the sorted list according to preferences.
  • Double tap when submenu is open for help.
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