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Proceeding his PSX2PS4 Conversion Tool, PlayStation 4 Scene developer @Markus95 (aka @Kus00095) shared via Twitter a PS2 2 PS4 v1.0 utility to convert PS2 iSOs to PS4 PKGs for PS22PS4 / PS2toPS4 games on Jailbroken PS4 consoles alongside a PS22PS4 GUI with updates from Nazky via Twitter. :)

Download: PS22PS4-GUI (Latest Version) / PS22PS4_v1.0.rar (44.2 MB - includes PSX2 2 PS4_v1.0.bat) / (includes PS22PS4-GUI.exe) / PS22PS4 GUI GIT / Markus00095's PayPal <3 / NazkyYT's Ko-fi :coffee: / PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility List

:idea: For those recently joining us, there are a variety of other PS2 on PS4 options listed HERE as well. :tup:

Here's further details from his release page on, roughly translated: PS2 2 PS4 v1.0: Create your PS2 games for PS4

Following many requests on Twitter, here is a small batch to create FPKGs of PS2 games for your PS4.

I would like to point out that the compatibility of PS2 games remains unchanged compared to other programs (PS2 TO FPKG, etc...) which already do the same thing as my .bat.

I even admit that I don't understand all the requests I received for this batch, which for me is useless, but hey...

You can therefore with this small batch, create FPKG of your PS2 iSOs on PS4, it also allows you to inject patch files in order to fix certain problems or bugs in PS2 games.


  • Basic release
Spoiler: Related Tweets

PS2 2 PS4 v1.0 Convert PS2 iSOs to PS4 PKGs (PS2toPS4) by Markus95.png


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