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PS3 Guides and Tutorials       Thread starter Self       18      
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Self's Reflow/ Reball Guide.

The rework machine I use isn't anything super fancy and neither is the pre heating plate. Couple hundred bucks will do you just fine to get started. Materials will cost a bit too. Most of the stuff listed came from eBay.

The tools & materials I use.


Pictures of the tools and materials I will be using.


So here's where the tutorial begins.


I know this was a long tutorial, but I like my tutorials to contain as much detail as possible to try and slim down on
questions being asked.
If anyone does have any questions, feel free to ask. :beer::beer::bananaman14:
Not a problem! Now that I am on layoff til the middle of March for work I am hopefully going to get some dead consoles and get a video recorded. Can't do concrete work with a foot of snow on the ground and it being right around 0 degrees. Lol. Gonna enjoy the time off and hopefully have time to post some new content to my YT channel. Working 5 AM to 5 PM doesn't leave much time to get anything done unfortunately.
A good tutorial. I personally do not recommend reball or reflow done with a hot air blower station. I recommend infrared station or special hot air reball station.
Haven't been active in quite a while due to life issues and whatnot, but that is a damn awesome video! Thanks for sharing it! Lol. I'm glad to see someone else who has some knowledge on this kind of stuff. :)

I do agree that IR is muchhhh more preferred over a blower system. They work a hell of a lot better and are a lot more precise. I bought this station when I was learning and it's served it's purpose over the years.

Think I got this sucker in like late 2011 early 2012 and the solder station is by far the best I have ever used. I don't do many console repairs anymore as I am just too busy with work and everything else so I never did get around to making a video.
Most of the time if done properly using the proper tools, etc. It can last years. Others can last days, weeks, months, or just hours. It really all depends. I did my launch model A01 back in 2013 and it still works just fine. But I have had a few just last a few days and then die again.
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