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  1. Obliteration: Experimental PS4 Emulator by Ultimaweapon Based on Kyty

    Based on the ongoing Kyty PS4 / PS5 Emulator project, an experimental PlayStation 4 emulator written in Rust called Obliteration is also in development by ultimaweapon (sponsor Putta Khunchalee <3) allowing for PS4 Scene homebrew application testing via the previously released PS Scene Quiz PKG...
  2. PS Scene Quiz 1.01 PS4 PKG Homebrew Game by Lapy05575948

    Proceeding his Wild Gunman Remake 35th Anniversary Homebrew PS4 PKG release a few weeks back, PlayStation 4 developer @Lapy returns via Twitter with a PS Scene Quiz 1.00 PS4 PKG followed by a PS Scene Quiz 1.01 PS4 PKG game for PS4 homebrew enthusiasts! :love: Download: PS Scene Quiz 1.01 PS4 -...