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  1. PlayStation Portal Hacked by TheFloW0, PSP Emulator Running Natively!

    Since confirmation of the PS4 Kernel RCE Talk by TheFloW0 at TyphoonCon 2024 earlier this month, Security Researcher Andy Nguyen announced on Twitter today, "After more than a month of hard work, PPSSPP is running natively on PlayStation Portal. Yes, we hacked it. With help from xyz and...
  2. Prospero Directory Tree Listing & Dumping PS5 4.03 Filesystem Script

    In PlayStation 5 Scene news today, following the Prospero Modules & Syscalls derived from the EAWebkit Sources by PSXDev (aka BigBoss) comes a Prospero Directory Tree Listing with a Sandbox Script for Dumping the PS5 4.03 Filesystem alongside a partial 4.03 PS5 Filesystem Dump via...
  3. PS4 Tools Homebrew v1.33 (Xmas Edition) for 9.00, PS4 Toolset by SAandTech

    Hohoho! Merry Catur... Christmas everyone! :santa: Since his previous revision, PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme (aka xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx) released a special PS4 Tools Homebrew v1.33 (Xmas Edition) featuring 9.00 support via Twitter and more updates outlined below! :tree:🎁...
  4. PS4_Tools Homebrew V1.32, PS4 Unjail Updates & AT9 Player Release

    Proceeding the initial PS4_Tools Showcase, PS4_Tools Homebrew App, PS4_Tools Homebrew PKG and PS4_Unjail PRX Plugin today PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme (aka xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx on Github) announced PS4_Tools Homebrew V1.3 via Twitter with several PS4 Unjail updates alongside...
  5. PS4_Tools Homebrew PKG & PS4 Trophy Viewer by xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx

    Following his recent PS4 Trophy Unlocker v1.3 update to PS4_Tools, today PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme released via Twitter PS4_Tools Homebrew v1 PKG alongside PS4 Trophy Viewer v1 at the request of @pearlxcore with details on each below. 🥳 Download: PS4_Tools_Homebrew_V1.pkg /...
  6. PS4 Trophy Unlocker PS4_Tools Homebrew App by xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx

    Following his PS4_Tools preview and the recent TrophyTimestampFixer release, today PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme (YouTube Channel) made available via Twitter a PS4 Trophy Unlocker homebrew application for Windows with a brief usage guide below. 🏆 Download:
  7. PS5 System Software / Firmware Update Live, PS5UPDATE.PUP Unpacked!

    Hello World, PlayStation 5! <3 With the official PS5 Launch today, Sony recently made available a PS5 System Software / Firmware Update PS5UPDATE.PUP Version 20.02-02.20.00 (828 MB) alongside a Recovery / Reinstallation PS5UPDATE.PUP (960 MB) following yesterday's PS5 WebKit Open Source Software...