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  1. PSProxy v4.1.0.0 PS4 Update Bypass by Red-EyeX32, Update Button

    Last month Sony changed the PSN Passphrase as PlayStation 4 developer @RedEyeX32 announced he was working on a new PSProxy until Sony disabled 3.61 support, but today Red-EyeX32 released PSProxy v4.1.0.0 which includes an integrated Update button making it easy peasy to check for future updates...
  2. PS4 Update Bypasser PSProxy by Red-EyeX32 to Bypass PSN Updates

    Following his PlayStation 4 Trophy (PS4 .TRP File) Extractor and PS3 LV1.ELF Embedded Files Extractor, PlayStation 4 developer Red-EyeX32 (Twitter) released a PS4 Update Bypasser application called PSProxy to bypass PSN Firmware Updates for PlayStation 4 owners... with a PS3 version coming next...