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  1. PS4 Tools Homebrew v1.33 (Xmas Edition) for 9.00, PS4 Toolset by SAandTech

    Hohoho! Merry Catur... Christmas everyone! :santa: Since his previous revision, PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme (aka xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx) released a special PS4 Tools Homebrew v1.33 (Xmas Edition) featuring 9.00 support via Twitter and more updates outlined below! :tree:🎁...
  2. PS4_Tools Homebrew V1.32, PS4 Unjail Updates & AT9 Player Release

    Proceeding the initial PS4_Tools Showcase, PS4_Tools Homebrew App, PS4_Tools Homebrew PKG and PS4_Unjail PRX Plugin today PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme (aka xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx on Github) announced PS4_Tools Homebrew V1.3 via Twitter with several PS4 Unjail updates alongside...
  3. PS4_Tools Homebrew PKG & PS4 Trophy Viewer by xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx

    Following his recent PS4 Trophy Unlocker v1.3 update to PS4_Tools, today PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme released via Twitter PS4_Tools Homebrew v1 PKG alongside PS4 Trophy Viewer v1 at the request of @pearlxcore with details on each below. 🥳 Download: PS4_Tools_Homebrew_V1.pkg /...
  4. PS4 Trophy Unlocker PS4_Tools Homebrew App by xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx

    Following his PS4_Tools preview and the recent TrophyTimestampFixer release, today PlayStation 4 Scene developer @TheDarkprograme (YouTube Channel) made available via Twitter a PS4 Trophy Unlocker homebrew application for Windows with a brief usage guide below. 🏆 Download: