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PS4 Jailbreaking       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Jan 3, 2017 at 5:18 AM       42      
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Following their 33c3 2016 Postscript over the weekend, PlayStation 4 hackers Fail0verflow have been busy updating their PS4 Linux Github repository with help from Clem (LibCG) including an AMDGPU PS4 / Liverpool port. :geek:

Download: / PS4 Linux AMDGPU GIT / AMDGPOCL GIT (LibCG) / ArchLinux AMDGPU GIT (LibCG)

In the barrage of Tweets below, PlayStation 4 developer Marcan officially confirms the PS4 can now run Vulkan and GameCube Games through the Dolphin emulator. :love:

Thanks to @raedoob for passing along the PlayStation 4 Linux news in the PSXHAX Shoutbox! :giggle:
Fail0verflow PS4  Liverpool AMDGPU Port for PlayStation 4 Linux.jpg


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