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PS4 News       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Oct 3, 2019 at 12:13 AM       3      
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Sony's stance on cross-play went from initial rejection to a limited scope to finally expanding support for cross-platform gameplay functionality... and now the feature is available to all PlayStation 4 developers as PS4 cross-play officially ends the Beta stage! :love:

According to Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan speaking to, to quote: "While it's not announcing the news explicitly, the PS4's cross-play efforts have officially moved out of the beta stage, meaning that the console can support cross-play on any titles that studios provide the functionality for.

This month's Modern Warfare may be the first major title to take advantage of it at launch, and likely won't be the last."

PS4 Cross-Play Exits Beta Stage, Available to All PlayStation 4 Developers!.jpg


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