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  1. GrimDoe

    MKXL Player Switch Intros (PoC) for PS4 4.05 by GrimDoe

    Whats up to all of ya'll.. after my 4.05 PS4 Backgrounds and Making Fake PS2 PKGs for PS4HEN guide today I'm bringing all ya'll a Proof of Concept video from my YouTube Channel. So this is no big news with in the MKXL PC community, BUT it is big news for us all within the PS4 jailbreaking...
  2. GTA V Native Caller by 2much4u, Nice Fly PS4 4.05 Game Mod by 0x199

    Following the 1.76 demo videos, 4.05 PS4 Kernel Exploit and PS4 4.05 Game Modding Payload alongside his Full Debug Settings Payload, today PlayStation 4 developer @2much4u made available a PS4 GTA V Native Caller via Twitter while @0x199 released a Nice Fly PS4 4.05 Game Mod and Firebreather PS4...