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  1. PS4 ShellUI Debug Functions Revealed & Kernel Dumped by OwlBin

    Earlier this year PlayStation 4 developers enabled the PS4 Development Menu and PS4 Debug Mode Settings with hints of a mini PS4 Debug Settings Menu, and today OwlBin revealed all of the PS4 ShellUI Debug Functions after dumping his PS4 1.76 Kernel this past June followed by a SceShellUI...
  2. PS4 1.76: Permanent Internet Browser Mod

    Following the UI Mod Custom Home Menu for PS4 1.76 made by e✘treme, today Developer lezek20 has released a new Payload after the PS4 Debug Menu on OFW 1.76. Lezek20 has found the code to activate the Internet-Browser without PSN or needing a proxy server. He has compiled a bin (Payload) file...
  3. PS4 Development Menu (Debug Mode) Enabled on Retail PlayStation 4

    Just over a week ago we heard rumors of accessing the PS4 Debug Mode Settings on retail PlayStation 4 consoles, and today scene developer CTurt confirmed it's now possible to access the PS4 Dev Menu on 1.76 retail units thanks to Flat_z! :D Download: Enable Dev Menu / /...