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  1. Open Source Software Used in PlayStation 4 Demo Video

    Here's a quick video demonstrating the open source software used in Sony's PlayStation 4 video gaming console from Umar Iscool on YouTube. :geek: Previously we reported on some Open Source Software Used in PlayStation VR for those interested! :D Thanks to @PS4HELPER123 for sharing the video...
  2. PS4 ROP SPRX ELF File Archive for Developers via Zecoxao Arrives

    Ding Dong: Trick or Treat? I can't believe it's been a year since our last Halloween here, and The Great Pumpkin (aka zecoxao) has risen again with some PS4 ROP (Return-Oriented-Programming) SPRX ELF files for Firmware versions 200, 250, 300, 315, 350 and 355 to help PlayStation 4 developers...
  3. Jeff

    Life Is Strange Episode 1: Chrysalis is Now Free on PS4 and PS3

    Dontnod Entertainment Producer Luc Baghadoust announced that Life is Strange Episode 1: Chrysalis is now free on both PS4 and PS3 platforms! :) Below is a PlayStation 4 teaser trailer for it and some details, to quote: "Life Is Strange follows the story of Max Caulfield, a photography senior...